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I noticed that I had lost myself in thought when I was interrupted by the bell. Huh, depression really gets you distracted with your own god damned brain. I grabbed my things and went to Personal Development. Today we are learning about depression! Yay! Just what I needed. Perfect subject to learn. Luckily I won't be here tomorrow. You may think, I'm overreacting about this whole no friends thing, but you go on with your life being so fucking lonely all the time, even at home. Anyway, instead of taking notes, like the perfect student I'm supposed to be, I start to doodle; and on my seat I curl up into a ball, making myself as comfortable as possible.

My qoute unquote friend, Alex, who sits next to me, interrupts my doodling and asks, "Hey, aren't you going to take notes?"

'God she's blind. And a tad bit annoying too. She is just a little too chipper for my taste right now,' I thought to myself

"No, why would I?" I replied dismissively.

"Because there's a test next Thursday on it!" She said like she knew she would ace it. She always aces her tests. She's one of those girls who would join all clubs and get straight A's, yahdie yahdie yah... Any way, I kind of blanked out the rest of class putting in my headphones, secretly of course, so the teacher wouldn't see. Our PD teacher isn't one of the biggest fans of electronics and seventeen year old "brats" as she calls us.

Once again, the bell rang and I quickly walked out for lunch. Quicker i am out of this room, the quicker I get home to my beautiful blades.

This day is almost over. I am almost out of this hell of a life.And just a little mini fact, I am no where near being anorexic. i love food to death and I think that will be the thing in life I will miss the most, even though I'll be six feet under. I get my food quickly and go sit by Johnny and his friends. Ugh! His girlfriend is there... Just perfect. Have I not mention this whore?pardon my horrible manners, her devil name is Katrina and she is the bitch who became best friends with my ex best friend Danny. Danny was at the table and making the situation a lot more awkward. 

I couldn't handle sitting there any more and I just got up and left. Johnny. Nice little Johnny chased after me making Katrina very jealous, which in return made me smile just a tad bit BUT not enough to wehre she could see. To tell you the truth, she never did like me and that is why she 'took' Danny away from me. Also she is the reason why I am doing what I am going to do after school. She also has contributed to the fundraiser of LETS MAKE SCARLETT'S LIFE ALIVING HELL! Cue the sarcastic smile.

"What's wrong? I know you don't like Kat, but please just sit with us," Johnny pleaded, coming up behind me and putting his hands in a begging position, he gave me the puppy dog face. I know I can't say no to that, but I just walked away anyway. He grabbed my arm pulling me towards the table and I just let him take me. There's no point in trying anymore, truly. I sat there quietly because I would've said something very mean maybe making Johnny not be my friend anymore. If that would happen I would truly have no one. Out of the coner of my eye I see Dylan O'Brien glancing over here curiously. 

I zoned his little lecture out and stared at the ground. But, I glanced at my phone, seeing that I had gotten a text message. It was from.... DING DING DING! YOu guessed it! The same Dylan O'Brien who was previously just staring at me. Now, we cannot forget that I have had t his crush on him since the sixth grade, but lately I haven't had the energy to care. And then there's the reasonable side of me that is wondering how in the hell did he get my number. I don't ever give out my number unless it is for group projects. 

Dylan: What's wrong Scarlett?

Me: Why would anything be wrong?

Dylan: Seriously, cut the crap. What is wrong? I can see it in your eyes.

One, I am actually feeling a little hope. The fact that he doesn't need a stupid note that I wrote in class to notice the hurt and pain in my eyes is the best thing ever. Two, he may actually be the one person who's said anything at all. Three, I'm almost speechless and I honestly don't know how to respond so I just leave it alone and continue eating. I'm willing to just run up to the roof so I can get my alone time.

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