Chapter 40

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I woke up with a smile on my face. We did a lot of talking last night and so many things. He fell out of a tree after making us climb it and carve our initials into it. I am completely in love with him, no doubt. He brought back me. The real me from when i was eight. I get out of bed and take a shower, not really caring that I'm clean. After that I put on some leggings and a long sweater. I put my hair in a bun and put a bow in it, just to add style.I'm pretty sure my hair is gonna kink up. I put on a simple makeup and then I get my shit and get out of the house.

I walked to Dylan's because I was slightly earlier than usual. When I knocked, a moment after, Katlyn answered the door.

"Well hello," I chirped. She opened the door and let me in.

"You seem in a happy mood. that's wonderful. Dylan will be right down," she said. I nodded.

"You do know your son is amazing right?" I asked. I took an apple from the tray and rubbed it on my shirt before I took bite.

"He is wonderful young man. You know, he took after his father," her eyes showed deep love and admiration as if she were looking back at memories.

"Um I you don't min me asking, what happened to Dylan's father?" I was curious. He never really spoke about his father and I guess I should be asking him instead of his mom, but things happen.

"He left us for another woman, but also he traveled a lot. I wanted to stay in one place, and he didn't. When we were in an argument his mistress, sideline girl, called. I still love him to bits and pieces. We had the strongest relationship, kind of like yours and Dylan's, but I guess he just stopped loving me. Dylan was around nine at the time. But when Charles was here, man he was a wonderful father," It sucks that it had to happen that way, but it's really sweet how much she loved him. So basically Dylan kind of in a way lost his father too and coincidentally around the same age as me.

"Yeah, an I miss him," welcome in Dylan! Scare the shit out of me why don't you. I didn't know he was so close. After I calmed down, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sure he misses you too," there was a sorrowful smile that found its way to Katlyn's lips.

"Enough of this sadness, you ready to go?" Dylan said, and thank you Dylan for making this situation less awkward! I turned around while still in his arms and nodded at him. He smiled and pecked my lips before we headed towards the front door. I said my goodbyes to Katlyn and we were off to school.

"I'm sorry," I said. It was a long silence before I said anything.

"You don't need to say sorry, my dad left me-" I interrupted him.

"No, I'm sorry that I didn't ask you, it's just we were talking about how wonderful you were and then your mom said that you reminded her of hi-" he grabbed my hand. I noticed that we are parked in the school parking lot.

"It's fine. You've told me a lot about your past, I should've told you," we both understood what we were each trying to say and when we got out of the car we hugged it out. His hold was so comforting, it could put me to sleep. We parted and looked at each other, and then before we were about to kiss, Destinie decided to literally push us apart and talk to me.

"Look, we gotta talk. Sorry Dylan, you two can kiss some other time!" she pulled me away while I tried, but failed, to say goodbye to him.

"Hello cutie," she said as we walked by I think Denton Robinson. He's pretty attractive if I do say so myself. He sent her a wink, and I could tell she was trying oh, so, hard not to go talk to him.

"Keep it walking, you were the one who interrupted Dylan and me time," she finally looked away and continued to pull me along to where ever it was she wanted to talk. And soon I figured out she was dragging me to a restroom, and I seriously don't see why we couldn't just talk about it somewhere else. 

"Speak," she demanded ever so nicely. Please note the  heavy sarcasm. So what I did was explain the whole date, and she gushed at everything "cute". Which honestly was everything, so I understand why she is gushing. But in the middle of everything, a snappy little freshman comes out one of the stalls and gives us one of the dirtiest looks, which was, A. rude and B. not needed. And then there is Destinie who flips her bitch switch and actually scares the freshman.  So once she left, knowing not to ever do that again when she sees us, I finish my story, just in time for the bell to ring. 

"Don't forget, we're presenting today," I said to her when we split ways, going to homeroom. During middle school and freshman year, you see homeroom as a waste, even sometimes sophomore year. But i have to say, it has helped me find a certain career to go towards. 

A sudden feeling of someone staring at me washed over my body and I started to feel really uncomfortable. I looked around to see everyone still walking and talking to their friends as they head to their homeroom. This feeling of unease motivates me to walk a little faster. And by the time I am in the building, the uneasiness is gone. Hopefully it stays that way.

So it is lunch time and I have no clue what to do. I don't know if I should go to the roof or find Destinie and sit with her. One, I don't want to be caught again and get yelled at, but then again, it's my escape. It's the only place I actually feel safe at, well at school. So I make up my mind and head to the janitors closet and make my way up the ladder. Half way up, someone grabs my foot and I lose my balance, resulting in my crashing down to the floor, just to see an unfamiliar face before I black out.

I come back to conciousness to find myself in a room unfamilar to anything I've seen. Pictures of bruised up girls all around. But the thing that scared me most is not being able to move. I was being restrained by cuffs of some sort. I was scared and I needed Dylan right now. All I could do this moment is cry. I had no clue where I was and I had no clue what was going to happen to me, I didn't know who took me. I was frightened and the tears wouldn't stop spilling over.


Well that is the end of book one folks. Suprising huh? Well I've got good news and bad news. I will definitely have another book, but I have to fully edit this one before I go anywhere near typing up a book two. I just want to make this one the best it can ever be. Also it'll give me more time to learn new tactics of writing. 

I Love all of you, and don't forget to start reading my other book. :D

<3 Skyeler

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