Chapter 19

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She had that look in her eye like she could see the anger fuming from my body, but she liked it? What is her problem? Does she lie the reaction I'm giving? I could seriously damage her face pretty soon! Woah woah woah there Scarlett calm the fuck down.

"Why the hell were you groping my boyfriend?" I said a little calmer with a little less venom.

"Oooohhhh so Dylan is your boyfriend?" She turned to Dylan,"was It out of pity? Did you feel sorry for her?" She turned back to me,"The Dylan I know would never go for an ugly , pathetic girl like you."

Who the fuck she think she is? Wait did he go out with me just because I was depressed? Did he only befriend me because I was depressed and that he felt sorry for me? Am I ugly? Yeah. I'm ugly and pathetic and Dylan doesn't love me. How could I be so fucking naive? She walked away with another slut following her. I knew her. She had really short black hair with purple streaks and a nose pricing. That was Serena.

I caught a glimpse of Destinie's face and she had a smile on it. She was pleased with my reaction. I felt a warm tear stream down my cheek. I thought Katrina was bad, but Destinie was worse. She was out for my boyfriend and she was out to make my life a living hell.

Dylan got up to pull me in a hug but I refused it and walked away. He didn't love me. He doesn't love this ugly, pathetic, human being I call myself. No he just feels sorry for me. Once I made it to the restroom I ran into a stall and cried. I cried until there were no tears left to cry.

The minute bell rang snapping me out of my crying spree. I cleaned up my face and walked to my first class. I walked in to sit in any seat and her red hair caught my eye. Great. Fan-fucking-tastic! I sit as far away ass possible from where she is sitting. Oh no she's getting up. Serena is with her. And in the classroom light I notice that her hair isn't black with purple streaks. They are blue streaks. And she also has lip rings now. She was actually really pretty but she had become friends with Destinie and turned into a slut.

"Hey Rivers." She said sitting down in the desk next to me. I just ignored her.

"Alright class! Just because it was fall break doesn't mean you have to continue acting like it!" Mrs. Banks started the class. One more quarter with her and then it's winter break! Mrs. Banks is a bitch and no one likes her. She was our biology teacher and no one really ever payed attention. Us as juniors have learned that the science classes are the easiest when it comes to finals.

"Your boyfriend is really hot. I can't wait to see what he's like in bed." I clenched my fists at her whispered statement.

"You know I would think he'd fuck you and leave." She said another thing to me. I may even punch her. But you know I'd get in trouble. And since my mother isn't living with me I'd go to child services. That would not be fun to do for a year.

"Why hasn't he left your sorry ass yet?" I think I started to draw blood. I mean my nails were long enough. I want to kill her.

"I'm surprised he's stayed this long. I mean you are pretty much useless. Why don't you just to kill yourself already? I see you've done pretty good to your wrists already." I looked at her in disbelief. How could someone say such a thing. All she did was look at me, smiled and turned back to the front of the class.

I felt tears stream down my face. No Scarlett don't let her have the win. You are strong! Oh who am I kidding. I am no where near strong. I cut myself and I'm depressed. Yeah I have a boyfriend that makes me happy but other than that I'm fucked up in the brain. I couldn't handle sitting near the whore so I packed my stuff and left class.

It was lunch and I haven't seen Destinie at all. Hopefully she isn't in my last class. Who know? With my luck she might be! Through out the day I have gotten 14 calls from Dylan through passing periods. 27 texts messages asking me what's wrong from Dylan. And 6 voice mails all asking me what is wrong and that he wants to talk.

We have the same lunch so avoiding him will be difficult. I could always eat up at the roof like I used to before I met Johnny. Yeah that sounds good. I got my pizza and iced tea and went upstairs. I went through the secret door and sat down on the ground.

"I knew I would find you here." His angelic voice rang through my ears. No, don't think that's way. He doesn't love you. You are a pity choice for him. He sat next to me, I refused to look at him or I would be sucked in and put at higher risk of a harder heartbreak.

"How'd you know I would be up here?" I asked with venom seeping through my words.

"You told Johnny. I asked him where I could find you and he said the roof. He was right." He sighed."What's wrong Scar?"

"Why would I tell you. You don't love me." I said taking a bite of my pizza.

"Now why the hell would you think that? Is it Dess?" He asked. He has a fucking nick name for her? What the hell?

"Yeah that bitch is fucking messing with my head. I don't know whether to believe her or believe you. I'm going toward her. You seem to know her enough to call her Dess. Which basically means she knows you and she would know what you think." A tear fell onto the pizza box. I looked to my right away from Dylan. Away from where he could see my face.

"She is my mother's best friend's daughter. She does that to piss me off. And I will have a word with her." I looked at him his eyes full of worry and anger,"I love you Scarlett. Okay? I have liked you since we first met in the sixth grade." He remembered.

"You remember me from the sixth grade?" I never really did tell you guys the story. He was the new kid from Atlanta. Every girl liked him including me. He was in my home room class and he was seated next to me. I was an anti social brat back then because I was still getting over the fact that my father was dead and that was also the time my mother started going out... Any who I never talked to him, but I did like him.

"Yeah. You didn't talk at all. So I didn't talk to you." He smiled as if he was remembering what happened like a movie. I grabbed his hand.

"Do you really love me?" I asked him.

"Yeah. And you are not ugly and pathetic. You are beautiful and strong." He said before he kissed my temple.

"How am I strong?" I closed my eyes trying to hold back the tears wanting to escape." I cut myself and I'm depressed. If I were strong I wouldn't even have a thought of being depressed or going near a blade."

"Yeah. But you are strong because you've lasted the bullying. You cut yourself to take the pain away but you're still alive. To me that is strength." I smiled. How could he be so sweet.

"Can we stay up here every day for lunch? Away from the world for twenty minutes?" He laughed and nodded." Be tee dubs! I so totally love you too." I said in a peppy voice. God I am never doing that again, but at least I got to hear his beautiful laugh again.

So as it seems Dylan does love me and I'm not going to have to deal with heart break. I also didn't have my last class with Destinie! Thank The Lord! I'm in my car now at the drive through of Starbucks because all of this crying has worn me out, I still have homework to do kids!

My homework is finished and I should not have had that Carmel Frappiccino because with my ADHD that has been, what I called, temporarily cured from the depression, is now having a chemical mixture with the caffeine and I'm bouncing off the walls. I decided to run to Dylan's house and knock on his door several time. Maybe a little bit too many times because I was greeted with an annoyed Dylan. I jumped on him and we both went down. Maybe not a good idea....

"What the hell Scarlett?" Dylan asked getting up with me still on his lap, rubbing his head.

"I had some coffee and I'm hyper and I got bored and I wanted to run so I ran here and here I am now!" I said really fast,I got up and went to his room," having ADHD and caffeine in my body isn't doing so well. You know because having ADHD makes you hyper and then caffeine gives you energy. It's just not a good combo." I said spinning in his chair that he had by his desk.

"You have ADHD?" He stopped the chair and I was now facing Dylan. Wow his face was really close. I never noticed how many moles he had. His eyes were beautiful, wow being this close to his face was amazing. His lips looked plush and kissable. They were as plush as I thought they were. I am now kissing Dylan. My Dylan might I add.

"What was that for?" He said trying to catch his breath from the amazing make out session we both had. I was also trying to catch my own breath. I smiled.

"Your lips looked kissable." I said. He smiled and pecked my lips once more before heading out of his room. I followed him as he sat down onto the couch. He looked at me and patted the spot next to him. I payed my head on his lap because the caffeine was wearing off and I was getting tired. He played with my hair which got me so relaxed I instantly fell asleep.


HEY EVERYONE!! HAPPY NEW YEARS! May your 2014 be filled with new adventures and very happy days. I'm so happy to get all the reads I have gotten. I love you guys to death.
This year may have been the best year because I had a lot of caring friend to help me through my problems and to keep me happy! Thank you again for all the reads! Loves yah! Haha this is my first thing to do in 2014. I'm alone at home chilling and writing this.

And on the side is a pic of Destinie

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