Chapter 34

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I woke up with an absent couch. Dylan was gone, but to my surprise there was a happy Destinie and a excited Alliyah smiling in my face which may have made me jump. I also may have screamed a little, because waking up to people right in your face is kind of terrifying. They could be kidnappers.

"What in the bloody hell are you two doing here? Where is Dylan?" I asked while searching for my phone.

"We came over early for our shopping, he let us in while he was on his way out. He said he had to go do something with his mom so, get dressed chica we are going shopping and if you aren't ready soon we will drag you out looking like a monster," Alliyah said.

"Do I really look that bad?" I asked.

"Yes. Come on, get ready! I can't miss my shopping spree," I swear Alliyah is a teenage girl in an adult body. I walked into my closet grabbing my usual outfit which was a flannel and skinny jeans. I also grabbed some under-garments. I then walked to my bathroom and started the shower.

"Hey Scar?" Destinie yelled out from the living room.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"Where's the remote? We want to watch TV," she asked.

"Check behind the TV!" I said. I checked the water to see if it was warm enough, it was, and I got in.

"Why the hell would it be here?" she asked and followed her question with laughing.

When I got out of the shower I put on my clothes, blow dried my hair straight, and then kept my make up at a simple look which was mascara and eye liner. I walk out to the living room and the two girls are sprawled out intently watching the TV.

"So you two ready to go this shopping over with or what?" I asked. They both jumped up and Destinie turned off the TV.

"Oh, Hun. Shopping with us will take all day," Alliyah laughed out.

"What ever. When I shop, I find what I need and then I leave," I stated as I got my phone, wallet, and car keys.

"Not with us you won't," Destinie laughed as we walked out. I locked the door and we drove off in my car.

The first place we stopped at was my soon to be work,"Hey Taryn. I see you are working on a Sunday?"

"Yep. I would be out with Katie, but she is helping her mom teach a dance class for children. Number one, I don't dance and number two, children don't necessarily like me." We all laughed.

"Is your mom here?" I asked once we were all finished with laughing.

"Yeah. Just go back there and she will be in that door," she pointed out. I said okay and walked over to where she pointed. Before I walked in Destinie and Alliyah yelled to me.

"Hey Scar, we are going to look around. This place has some cute clothes," they said. I gave them the thumbs up and knocked on the door to be polite.

"Come in," she said. I walked in,"Oh, hi there Scarlett."

"Hello, I have a question. Um, is the job still up to offer for me?" I asked shyly.

"Oh yes, Definitely. no one has come in since. How are you? I heard you were in the hospital," she said with concern. One, i was happy i have the job still and two, I'm happy she cares.

"Thank you. I'm doing good. Feeling a lot better," truthfully I was feeling better. I'm surrounded by people who care about me and my mother is gone, hopefully for good.

"Well that's great. Can you come in on Thursday, maybe after school?" I nodded,"Alright, well I'll see you on Thursday." I smiled and left. i walk out seeing Destinie holding what looks like three dresses and Alliyah holding what looked like three blouses and a pair of skinny jeans. It looks like today is going to be a long day.

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