Chapter 31

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"My god I had no idea!" Alliyah said once I'd finished. Tears were rushing down my face along with hers. Dylan once again left the room. I guess this stuff really does get to him. I don't mean to cause him to feel like this, I am after all just explaining my story.

"Help me up?" I ask. She nods and does what I ask. I walk out of my room to see Dylan on the floor. Clutching something. I slowly, but surley make my way next to him.

"Hey," I said resting my head on his shoulder. I saw what he was clutching.

"Why do you still have that?" I aske taking my head awya from his shoulder to look at his face.

"I don't know. It's kind of like a reminder that I almost lost you. I don't want to lose you ever so I need to be here by your side to keep you safe. I need to be here to show you that I love you and I don't think I could ever let you go." I smiled and kissed him hard on the lips and looked at him again.

"I love you Dylan, so much. look I know it's been like two weeks, but I feel like If it were a week I would feel the same way because I think you are the one. It usually take couples months, even years to find out they love each other. It took us two weeks. I don't know, I just feel a connection with you that I haven't felt with anyone." I feel like an idiot because probably half of that made no sense.

"I feel the same way. Can I tell you something?" I nodded,"You are my first girlfriend." I smiled.

"Oh really?" he nodded and looked away blushing,"Hey, look at me," I grabbed his head and made him look at me,"I am honored to be your first girlfriend." He smiled and kissed me.

"let's go back inside with Alliyah yeah?" he asked. I nodded my head and he helped me into the room.

My phone buzzed on the table next to my bed and there was a text from Destinie.'hey chica, you haven't texted me all day but I'm on my way to the hospital. I'm guess Dylan is there. You want me to pick you guys something?' I smiled and asked if Dylan and Alliyah wanted anything and the said no.

'Nah. We're good. But you can still bring food for yourself, you don't have to eat the hospital food. XD'

'K. See you soon.'

"So Dess is on her way?" Alliyah asked.

"That's right! She doesn't know you are here." Dylan had a mischievous look to his face that kind of scared me,"revenge time don't you think sister?" She also had the mischivious look to her face that also scared me. They went in a corner and made some sort of plan. They simultaneously turned around and told me their plan. This aught to be fun.

We were in our places, me in the bathroom attached to the room, Alliyah in my bed and Dylan hiding with me. We heard Destinie walk in,"are you sleeping?" She asked quietly, her voice muffled through the bathroom door,"are you okay?"

First Alliyah's scream was heard then a loud shriek was heard probably Destinies which was our cue to come out and scream along which caused her to scream even louder. She noticed it was us and then calmed down,"FUCK YOU!" She said hitting Dylan up side his head, hitting Alliyah in the boob and she just looked at me with an evil face,"You are lucky I can't hurt you." I laughed.

"Really a boob shot?" Alliyah asked.

"Yes, now give me a freakin hug! I haven't seen you in forever LeLe!" They gave each other a big hug. Dylan wrapped his arm around my waist from the side and pulled me close kissing me temple. The two caught up while me and Dylan cuddled up in a chair. It was so comfy that I fell asleep.

I was woken by Dylan. He looked angry and frightened,"what's going on?"

"Guess who decided to finally check you out?" He said looking back at the door where a nurse stood. That could be only one person, my mother.

"No Dylan. You promised you wouldn't let her take me!" I said panicking. I tried to get up and run away, but Dylan held me there.

"Shhhhh. Calm down. I never said that you were going with her. I will talk to her okay?" He kissed me on the lips,"I will find a way out of this so you don't have to talk to her ever again." He started pacing thinking of a plan. What am I going to do?


A/N okay I know this was short but I needed to update for you guys because I haven't in a while. I've just been trying to straighten things up and I also had a little bit of writers blocks so, yeah.


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