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I Sat in the chair next to her trying to hold in my tears. I never have really shown her that I cry. I know she just hates that people feel sorry for her. She just wants them to care for her and that is what I have done. but I couldn't hold in the tears.

"What happened? I mean things were going so well. Was it Katrina," she looked away from me and started crying,"What the hell did she say?" By this time my mother has already left knowing that we need to be alone. I think she went to go talk to the doctor. There was hesitation but the answered.

"She told me no one loved me. She said that Johnny was my friend because he was sorry for me and she reminded me of my mother and that my father hated me. I hit my breaking point Dyl. I wasn't thinking and I just went home and did it," She buried her face into her hands. I grabbed her hands and held them in mine. I then stared into her eyes, not breaking away for one moment.

"I love you, My mom cares about you, Destinie cares about you. The people at your dance care for you. You aren't unloved. She is just a worthless bitch who almost made me lose the one I love the most. I know we haven't gotten that far in our relationship, but you make me feel like I never have before," she reached her hand to my face and caressed my cheek. I leaned my head into her hand.

"I Know you love me and those other people,but I wanted you to not have to deal with all of my problems anymore, I didn't really think it through. I'm sorry I did this to you," she said as tears fell down her cheeks.

It's alright, but you know what? I love you. I love how you constantly make me happy, I love your smile, I love seeing you beautiful face everyday and I love the way you laugh, especially when you are watching one of your favorite shows, Friends. I know you don't know how to cook, I know that you obsess over Paramore because it's your ring tone for everything."She smiled and I continued,"I know you love flannels to death, I know you try not to do much with your hair because you think there's no reason to. I know that you are mine and I know that I am in love with a beautiful girl."

"You were always the one to put a smile on my face," she said chuckling," I just never knew you payed that much attention to those things. Again I'm so sorry, Katrina just got to me." I kissed the hand that was in mine and just then Destinie and my mom came in.

Destinie sat next to the bed,"I beat the shit out of her ass for you. She has a broken nose, a bloody face and bruises. You know the whole works," The beautiful laugh that I love rang through my ears.

"Thanks, its easy to kick her ass because she doesn't know how to fight for shit..." everyone started laughing.

"How you doin' kiddo?" Katlyn asked.

'A lot better," She Scarlett replied.

"hey, Dyl hun... Can I talk to you for a moment?"  I nodded and looked to Scarlett. her and Destinie were already in a conversation. I swear, Dess brings the best out of Scarlett and it just makes me smile.

"Hey, Scar? You gonna be okay?" she nodded and went back to talking to Destinie again. I walked out of the room with my mom and she had a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked hesitantly.

Since she isn't 18 yet she can't be released unless there is a gaurdian that can sign for her. And since she isn't my child I cannot sign her out myself. the doctor is having trouble contacting Scarlett's mom," I looked at her with a worried expression," Now, she still has to stay here for a while to be checked out and everything so we don't have to do it yet," I let out my breath," but you are the only one that can maybe get her to do it." I nodded.

Destinie, Scarlett and I were excused out of school for today and we just hung out in the room for he rest of the night. My mom was nice enough to pay for the costs. When my father had left us, he left over a few million dollars in our name so we had a lot of money, just no one knows. Speaking about money, I just remembered about Scarlett's job.

"Hey Scar? What are you going to do abouit your job?" her eyes widened. 

"where's my phone?I can text taryn." she asked.

"I think it's still at your house. Do you remember Taryn's number? You could use my phone," she shook her head.

"No, but you could go tell them personally, if you don't mind. I can give you the address. They aren't that far from here," I got up pulling up my notes. I typed in the address and headed to the place.

I walked in seeing a few people walking around looking at the items spread throughout the shop. i go to the front desk looking for someone to talk to. I saw a middle aged woman about my mother's age, and I asked her if she was Taryn.

"No, she's my daughter. I'm Kayla, what can I help you with?" she asked sweetly.

"I'm Scarlett's boyfriend and, um, she can't make it to work for a while, she is in the hospital," I said not giving out too much information.

"Oh my gosh, is she okay?" I nodded,"Well it is perfectly fine. Thank you for letting me know."

"No problem Ma'am." I said goodbye and left.

I stopped at Scarlett's house and grabbed her phone, figured she might want it. I got back in the hospital and I saw my mom in a chair reading a book and Destinie passed out on a sleeping Scarlett's lap. When my mom saw me she got up and took me out the room so we didn't wake the girls.

"So the school called saying you and Destinie won't be able to miss tomorrow," but I don't want to leave her. My mom read my mind," I took some time off of work to stay with her during the day while you two are at school. Don't worry nothing will happen to her sweetheart." i walked back into the room to wake dess up because we had school tomorrow and it was 9:30 the last time I looked at the clock. She collected her things and I kissed Scarlett softly on her forehead. Destinie left in her car and headed to her home while I went straight to bed. 

To morrow will be hell, not being able to see Scarlett for a while won't be fun. I really hope though that I can take her on that date soon. I will be a big step in our relationship. Another thing, I am going to beat the shit out of Johnny, he needs to get his girlfriend under control.I shut my eyes with Scarlett's beautiful laugh ring through my ears as I drifted to sleep.


I AM SOOOOOOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE FOREVER. School work is hell and I just haven't really had any time to write. I AM TOTALLY PSYCHED THOUGH BECAUSE I'M UP AT 1.5K!!!!!!!!! That is like totally amazing! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


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