Chapter 5

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I was going to sleep over at Dylan's house right?... And the problem here is, I don't know what to wear for my pajamas. I wanna look cute you know? There are some pants and an ugly t-shirt. But then again I have a black spaghetti strap shirt and plaid, pink and purple shorts. That's cute enough right, I mean it should be? Once after deciding to pack those up in my over night bag I also grabbed my needed undergarments for the next day. I also grab a cute crop top and black skinny jeans matching the lettering on the crop top. I lastly grab my toothbrush, brush and book bags.

'On my way' I press send sending it to Dylan.

I grab my keys and my coat just in case I got chilly in my pjs. I walked out the door and locked it. I had realized I forgot to touch up on my make up.

'Forgot something. I'll be a little while." I ran inside and touched up on my mascara, lip gloss and my blush. I'm not the type of girl who where's foundation. That's why I have no acne. Any way, I add those things to my bag and head back out the door.

His house is just down the road so I just walked. As I was walking I felt someone grab me from behind and he, I'm pretty sure it's a he, carried me a ways while I was screaming and kicking trying to get out.

"Shhh! Oh my god you are loud. It's just me!" He said. I recognized his voice. Dylan. He put me down and we faced each other and he thought it was the funniest thing. I yelled at him and hit him on the chest," Why would you do that to me?! That was a horrible thing! You nearly scared the shit out of me!!"

"You've got to admit it was hilarious!" He got out in between laughs. I hit him again. Hard,"Ow! What was that for?"

"Jerk." We started walking towards his house. It was kind of awkwardly silent

"So..... What do you want to do tonight," he asked as we walked in the house.

"Umm, how about we um, watch a movie. You pick," I said hoping he would pick a scary movie so could "cuddle" with him. I actually love scary movies. They don't scare me and I'm also a good actress.

"Okay." He walked towards the movie shelf," paranormal activity!"

"Awww a scary movie?" It's actually one of my favorite movies.

"Don't be such a whimp," he chuckled.

He put the movie in and excitement filled my blood. Sadly I couldn't give that away. Later on when the scary parts came on I pretended to be scared.

"Are you sure you don't want to cuddle with me? Usually scary movies aren't that scary when you have a buddy to hide into." He actually wanted me to cuddle with him! My plan is working! Ha patted the spot next to him and I literally jumped on the couch. He chuckled a bit before pulling me closer and intently staring at the tv.

The movie was over and we decided to just watch tv. I got really tired and started drifting off into sleep. I was slightly woken up after a while from two strong arms picking me up. Probably Dylan. It was weird though because once he placed me down on the bed I felt a dip in the space next to me.

I woke up in his room and I could smell some really good food. He came in coming to wake me up but saw that I already was.

"Well we have school today," he walked out before I could ask him why I was in his bedroom. I got dressed and went down stairs being greeted by a lot of food. Today is Friday last day of school before break and I get home cooked food in the morning? Amazing! I acted cool and sat down eating a delicious piece of bacon.

"Um. Why was I in your room?" I asked him swallowing the food that was in my mouth.

"Don't you remember we don't have a guest room?" He asked.

"Oh yeaahh..." Blood found its way towards my cheeks. We finished breakfast in a comfortable silence and I grabbed my things and we were off to school.

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