Watch your back...

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I was trying to shake off that text. Maybe it was just, I don't know, a lucky guess? I was sitting outside on the bench swing staring at the tree on the opposite side of the garden. Shawn came out and sat next to me. He put his hand over mine and we just sat there in a comfortable silence looking at the tree. I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled to myself. 'You want a drink?' I asked breaking the silence. 'Sure, a coffee please.' And so I got up and went into the kitchen to make a tea and a coffee. 'Ping' my phone had gone off. Absent mindedly I picked it up while pouring the boiling water. I looked at the screen as I noticed it was from an unknown number. I checked the message, it read Hello Etta, it's me again. Miss me? I know more about you then you could know. Watch your back! I looked at the screen, I had thought about it and most my friends knew about my mum's last words. I had mentioned the words at my parents' funeral, anyone could know. The thing was, it said, I know more about you than you know. It could just be a bluff instead. That seemed very likely, no one knew much about me. I tended to keep personal stuff quiet. Plus he said, watch your back... Was that a threat?! No-one, I repeat no-one threatens me. But this isn't a someone, to me it is a no one, a someone who I don't know, a someone who I might know, a someone who maybe I might admit I'm afraid of, but a someone that I will never cower too. Maybe this could be someone that me and Shawn could fight together? Maybe I should tell Shawn, he is a Private Investigator, but maybe this is a someone who would hurt me....

Young Romance|Etta and Shawn|Tash and TomWhere stories live. Discover now