Police Officers..

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The head was still hidden in Tash's room. Though, I was always scared when ever she walked in there because just a look around her cupboard and she would see in the box on the right by her shoes was a golden retrievers head that was quickly decapitating and it's rotten smell and maggots would soon infest the head, then the wardrobe. I couldn't look her in the eye anymore. I just couldn't. Not after what I knew I was going to put her through. Not after I knew that sooner or later she would find a pile of rotten fur sitting in a box. No matter what I do, eyes open or closed, I keep picturing the dogs head, coming after me at night, hunting me down then ripping of my head. I just couldn't shake that horrible feeling. Of what he had done. Of what I had done! And what he was going to make me do. As if on cue, I heard the familiar ping of my iPhone from a new text. A new horrid message or maybe even a task. I picked if up and looked at the text. I expected something really bad and that is exactly what I got! You know, all Police Officers have guns! Steal Tash's or I will have to use my own. ON YOU! You had better do it Bitch!
A gun?! Guns are used to kill people. WhT else would you use a gun for?! What would he use a gun for! Shoot the messenger. It was a saying but, what if that was exactly what he wanted to do. Hey, he's a murderois psycho! Who knows what he might do but there was no way I could do that. What if though, he uses his gun not to kill me but kill my Best Friends! Kill everyone I know and love! Make me watch it and suffer before he suddenly ends it. I didn't want to do it but I didn't want him to prove to me that he could kill someone. I had to. I kept saying that it was for my friends but I didn't know if it really was about my friends or just about me. That I didn't want to die. Tash was at work at the moment, so of course, her gun was with her. I was going to wait until she got home and had her usual shower. Do, I waited, but not as long as I thought I would. She came home after about an hour. I greeted her and she went off to her room. I waited about 10 minutes just to be on the safe side incase she took a while getting ready and stuff. I quietly and slowly opened the door to see no Tash in the room but a black gun lying on her bedside table next to her badge and belt. I slowly stepped across the carpeted floor not making a sound. I reached down and grabbed the gun in a comfortable position before creeping out. When I got in my room however, I had received another text. It read ouy, check YOUR wardrobe, in a blue box. Oh no! Did he kill someone! But I did what he wanted! Didn't i? I swear u did everything. But as I opened the wardrobe I saw a box too small to fit a head in and upon opening it I saw a gun with a note attached, It's not real, replace the real one with this. So, without thinking I rushed into Tash's room on dear of getting caught and placed it on the desk before sprinting out but carefully shutting the door behind me. I collapsed on my bed. Heart beating fast in my chest. Eyes wide, body dead, along with my soul. I looked at the real fun on the floor where I left it. What do I do now? I have a gun on my floor and a dogs head in my roommates closet. And I have NO I des what to do. Did he?!

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