Dont you dare!

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Yesterday me and Tom just hung out, we watched a movie and fell asleep together on the sofa. When I awoke however, I found no peaceful human being with gorgeous brown hair with a sun kissed glow lying next to me. Instead, I found a note on the coffee table. Had to go to work. See you soon Love! xxx I knew it was from Shawn, name or not. Mainly because of his scruffy but cute handwriting and by the fact that he's the only one who calls me Love. Thinking of other people, I hadn't seen Tash since Me and Shawn slept together. As if on cue I saw Tash walking down the stairs and towards me before collapsing down on the sofa next to me. 'Where have you been?' I asked curious as to why my BFF and Roommate hadn't been home for a couple of days.
Her reply soon came along with a smirk on her face, 'Well, after Me and Tom, you know, did it, he took me on a date down to the beach for the day and then we wrapped the day up with a meal at a restaurant, then we just spent the next day lying in bed,'
'Why didn't you text me?' Was my only reply as she looked so guilty and apologised explaining that she was so busy and caught up but I told her it was fine, it was just a question, she had no need to worry. We chatted about our days but I never mentioned Mr. Creep (new nickname). I didn't know how to explain it, I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I was going to tell Shawn today, I thought it best. To end this once and for all. I just couldn't have this. I was meeting Shawn at 10:00, after work, I had texted him about 20 minutes ago. He was meeting me here where we could have a proper chat.
Shawn had just arrived and he was really anxious. I sat him down on the sofa and I started, 'look Shawn, I need to tell you something, it's really important and...' 'Ping' it was my phone. I checked it incase anyone was in trouble but it was from an unknown number, probably Mr Creep. I told Shawn to wait a moment as I got up and walked away from him to check the text. Don't you dare! You tell anyone about me and your gonna wish you never lived! And soon you won't live! Check under your pillow if you think I'm lying! I stared at the text. My hands standing on ends. What was under my pillow?
'Ill be back in a minute' I said to a stressed looking Shawn staring at me from the sofa. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I walked over to the bed and was very hesitant of removing the pillow. I soon plucked up the courage to lift it up and screamed dropping the pillow back down on the floor. 'The sight was too much to bear, I just couldn't. I collapsed on the floor crying and screaming and I very worried Shawn ran up stairs and into the room along with Tash. They both comforted me but I still couldn't get the sight of Shetta's slaughtered head lying underneath the Pillow.

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