Chapter 4: Can I ask you out?

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Brick's POV
Great day for me and my brothers because we are friends with the girls, specially Pinky I mean Momoko, I can stop staring at her while we're heading to the cafeteria. "Hey dude snapped it will ya?"Butch waving his hand on face, I snapped on my staring session, "Always staring at her huh,"Boomer whispered while pointing to the girl in the middle of the girls ahead of us,"None of your buseness,"I chuckled.

We finally reach the cafeteria, well after eating our lunch we headed on class for the next period.

While in class..

Everyone is busy listening to our teacher, I feel boredom strikes me, so I just leaned my two arms across the desk and leaned my head on it, my face faces a certain girl I always staring at who else? my Beautiful auburn hair girl, Momoko who was busy taking down notes, "Why am'I always staring at you?, suddenly my cheek is getting hot,"what is this feeling I had?".She noticed me so I faces the direction.

Momoko's POV
"Can't believe that we ate officially friends with the RRBZ,"I quickly snapped on my thoughts when I feel someone is staring at look at my left, no way Brick is staring at me."wait, is he blushing?"I was shocked on what I'm seeing, Brick notice me so he quickly faces the window trying to hide is red face, I turned back "I can't be, why is he staring at me like that?" I suddenly feel my face is getting hot and my heart is beating fast, "What is this, don't tell me I'm fallen for him?"I sight in a deep thought, "Okay, Momoko his just your friend,Inhale Exhale, "getting myself back from happened a moment ago.

Boomer 's POV
I looked at Miyako she is actually cute and smart, "What am I thinking,Did Brick trained me in his staring session? "Oh gosh it seems that I gotten in to her,"

Butch's POV
Just as my brothers are doing, I looked at the particular girl who else? The girl by the window you just like me,"How I like looking at her all day long, we've been friends with them a while ago, I like her attitude just like me,"

End of Class..

Third Person POV
Another day of school just ended. Students are clashing through the exit to go home. The girls are putting all their stuff in the bag.
Momoko rushed outside the "I will wait for you guys at the gate,"she screamed while rushing to the exit."Whats with her?"Kaoru sight,"Oh well let's go Kao-chan,"Miyako say,they exited the class.

Momoko finally reached the gate, while she is getting closer to the school there is a familiar figure standing there, Momoko look surprised it was Brick.

Brick's POV
Well Im here at the gate waiting for my brothers oh well, "Brick?" a familiar voice caught my ears, I turned around, who else? the girl who I always staring," Hi Momoko what you doing here?", "Im just waiting for my friends, how about you?" she said nervously,"my brothers Im waiting for them,"I smirk nervously. Silence rolled around between us, I broke the silence,"Uhm Momoko?"I asked,"Uhm?"she said, "I was just kinda.."say it already Brick "What is it?" she ask with confused,"Can I ask you out tomorrow? ",I finally said, "Sure,", she said with a smile, Oh Yes! "Where?"she snapped me."at the café at 4:00 pm, "I said it straight, "Okay!"I said in full of joy.

Momoko's POV
"OMG what did I just said,"I scampered, Brick's Brothers are heading here, "I see you tomorrow, "Brick said joyfully, before he walk away , he quickly kiss my cheek, "wait he kiss me?"I felt my face is getting pink.
"Bye Momo-chan,"Brick waved goodbye.

Butch and Boomer's POV
While heading to the gate, we stop our tracks,"Did you see that Butch?Boomer mouth wide opened, "He kiss Momoko in the cheek! ",Butch said in syrprised for what his brother did,Boomer still in shock,"Looks like our brother is in love, "Butch smirk.They follow Brick home.

OK chapter 4 ended but there is a part 2 for Kaoru and Miyako..

Chapter 5 will be out soon


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