Chapter 13: Good vs Bad Part 1

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No One 's POV

The villains joined forces to defeat the puffs

At the Lab..

"Girls,  come to the lab immediately, " Professor demanded

"We're on are way!" The girls flew off

"Oh, tell the RRBZ to come here also," Professor said in the monitor

"No way!" BC reacted

"We also need them, so grabbed them and bring them  here!" Professor shouted

"Fine!" BC nodded

After a few second..

"We're here!" The girls shouted

"Oh, glad your here, " Professor said and the girls nodded along with the RRBZ

"Oh, hello PPGZ!" the PPG shouted entering the room

"Hey, Blossy," Momoko waved

"Is there a big problem Professor?" Miyako asked

"Very big problem," Professor face palm

"What do you mean?" Momoko confused

"The villains joined forces to the villains of the PPG," Professor stated

"How could this happened? " Kaoru pointed

"Its seems that the villains made a machine that will transport the other villains in our world," Professor remarks

"No Way!" They all reacted

"That's true, " Ken said

"Yep, and they are very strong now," Poochi warned them

While talking the monitor pop up a figure..

"Hello there stingky stuff Girls, " Mojo Z pop in the screen

"It's Mojo!" PPGZ shocked

"Don't forget about the other one," the other Mojo laught

"It's our Mojo! What is he doing here?" PPG shouted

"No way," Both the RRBZ and RRB said

"Yeh, it's us silly little girls, " Mojo of the  PPG lauhted

"What are you doing here? " the Blossom reacted

"To get revenge on you,  hahaha!" Mojo said

"Don't think about destroying New Townsville?" Momoko piss off

"That's the whole Idea,"Mojo continue the teased the girls

"Oh great!" Kaoru groaned

"If you wanna fight us, come to the park and face your nightmare, woahahaha!" The only thing Mojo Z said and the monitor turned off

"What do we gonna do now?" Miyako and  Bubbles about to cry

"Don't cry Miya," Boomer comfort her

" You too Bubbles, "little  Boomer said 

"Guys, let's go, I  wanna break the ass of them!" Buttercup and Kaoru said

"Hold your temper!" Momoko said in a high voice

"Yeah, hold on," Brick followed up

"Oh hey Bricky boy who you to stop me huh! " Kaoru smirked

"As Momoko said hold on, we are not going there without plans and strategies, " Brick looks at Momoko

"Your right, my red head!" Momoko giggled

PPGZxRRBZ And PPGxRRB Collide [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now