Chapter 8: Brick Confession

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Miyako's POV

7:45 am

I'm on my way to the lab when someone grabbed my shoulder, I turned around and see Boomer.

"Hi Miya, " he said

"Oh, Hi Boomy, " I giggled

"Are heading to the lab?" He questioned

"Yep," I said

"Can I go with you?" He smirked

"Why sure! Uhm..wheres Brick and Butch? " I asked

"I don't know where are they, they go out early, " Boomer said

"Ahh, ok let's go, we must get to the lab and start our mission, " I chuckled

Boomer and I is now heading to the lab.


Brick 's POV

I'm here in front of Momoko's house, I think she didn't know that I'm peeking her up so we can headed together to the lab .

I hear a loud voice inside the house.

"Mom, I'm going to the lab now!" a familiar voice said, probably its Momoko.

"OK, dear just don't be out late, " a softed voice response, probably her mom.

"Bye!", Momoko rushed to the door.

As she closed the door, she saw me,

"Oh men why am I blushing?" I thought to myself.

She stares at me for awhile when,
"Hi Momoko," I said while blushing.

"Oh, Brick, why are you hear?" She questioned

"Uhm..I thought about that.." I comfused

"What ?" She asked

"If we can walked to the lab together?" I finally said

"Uh, sure! " I smiled widely when she say that

We started walking, silence rule over between us. WHEN...

" uh, Momoko? " breaking the silence

"Yes?" She response

"Do you have a boyfriend? " she beginning to get red when I said that

"," she answered shyly

"Oh," I said

"Why did you asked?" I stop when she asked.

"Uh..seems we know each other more often, We both know you are a PPGZ and I'm a RRBZ, " I slutterd

"Whats your point?" She groaned
"Do you know why I give up being annoying and destructing the city?" I stare in her eyes

"Because, I like you! " I finally said

She was stunned and getting more red.

"Hah! You like me?" She said stunned

"Yeah, more than a like Momo," I pointed

"What do mean more than a like?" She questioned

"I love you Momoko Akatsutsumi! and will you be my girlfriend? " I said aloud begging her to say yes.

"Brick?" She still in shocked

"Yeah.." before I could say anything she leaned and sofly pressed her lips to mine.

We pull away gently.

"What the meaning of that?" I questioned her.

"Yes," she simply answered

My heart beat was running fast, oh gosh!

She is blushing so hard, she is so cute!

I hold her hand gently and headed to the lab with a big smile on my face.


At the lab

Kaoru 's POV

"Hey Miya, where is Momoko?" I asked Miyako sitting at the couch with Boomer.

"Don't know, she is probably on her way here, " Miyako smiled while reading the latest Fashion Magazine

"She better get here fast because I really want to find my counterpart, I think my counterpart is very tough as me," I smiled widely.

After few minutes, the doorbell rung and someone entered

We turned around and OMG!

"Hi guys, I'm sorry I'm late" she said while holding hands with Brick!

"Woah, bro what does it means?" Boomer stand up.

"Yeah, bro whats with that holding hands?" Butch following the question of his Brother

"What? Is there something wrong holding your girlfriend hand while entering here!" Brick said loudly.

"What!? Girlfriend? " we all gasped in shocked

" Yes, Is there something wrong? " Brick pointed out

"When did this happened?" I quickly questioned

"A while ago, Brick confessed to me that he stopped destructing the city because he loved me and he didn't want to hurt me in doing that bad things," Momoko finally spoked out

"Did you really say that bro?" Butch follow up question.

"Uh..Yeah, that's the reason why I acted weird yesterday at the chatroom," Brick confessed

"How so sweet, Momoko-chan finally have a boyfriend!" Miyako giggled

While we are all shocked on these two lovebirds...

Professor came in

"What is going on here?" He asked us

"Momoko and Brick are official! " I pointed out with a grinned

"What!?" Professor gasped

"Yes Professor Brick is now my Boyfriend! " Momoko said

"Yesterday, you said you were just hanging out with him , and now your are officially on !" Professor said loudly in distructed.

"Hoh great now what?" I said doubtful

"OK then, make sure that this ruff will never hurt you," Professor said pointing Brick

"I assured of besides I do loved him too so he is," Momoko assured gladly.

" Yes Professor I will never hurt her! " Brick spoked out.

"Ok now! Let's starts our business today?" Boomer asked.

"OK!" We all yelled

Wow how so sweet! Brick finally said his true feelings for Momoko, oh well see you guys on the next chapter..

"Reminder it is only a fan fiction of mine I'm a big fan of anime and cartoons specially PPGZ..he he"


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