Chapter 11: Kaoru's Date

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Butch's POV

Alright we accomplished are mission

Time: 12:00 pm

"Oh hey ! 3 hours left" I thought in excitement

We are now eating lunch at the lab, with our counterparts.

After eating lunch..

"Hey butterfly, you better get home and be ready for our date later, " I teased Kaoru

"Yeah right, " she crossed armed with a smirked

"Oh, goodluck on your date Kao-chan," Momoko giggled

"She's right, " Miyako also giggled
"Ew ... stop that girly face will ya!" Kaoru feel disgusted on her friends

"Bro, goodluck, hope you will be as lucky as me," Brick elbowed me

"Yay, Bro," Boomer smiled

"Uh..Brick? " Momoko asked

"Yeah, my Princess," Brick respond

"Let's go to Annie's to buy sweets!" Momoko said with a cute smile at Brick

"Sure!" BRICK nodded and they about to left the lab

"Bye, Blossy have a good time with your sisters, see yah tomorrow," Momoko waved goodbye to Blossom

"Bye, Momoko," Blossom waved

"Miya, can I take you home?" Boomer offered Miyako

"Sure, Boomy," Miyako smiled

"Bye,guys!" They waved at us


Time skip 3:00pm

Oh great this is the time, that I will punished myself to a date with a ruff oh men!

We are here in a Noodle shop,

"Did you like here?" Butch asked while eating noodles

"Yeah, whatever, " I said

We are done eating and headed to the park again And he buys two ice cream for the two of us

As the time goes by I feel my face getting red while he stares at me, oh dear!

"The sun set is setting, " Butch smiled while looking at the sky

"Yeah," I said

I feel my heaertbeat beat faster while looking at him.

The time flies it's time to go home, he offers to take me home, agreed on him

After an half an hour we reach my house its actually on the fifth floor.

"So, goodbye," I was about to enter the door when he grabbed my wrisk and I turned around to face him.

"Goodnight Butterfly, " as he said that he kissed my forehead and walked off.

Blushing again! I feel like a total girl, but I am a girl, oh! Quit it head, oh men! He started to driven me crazy.

Momoko: Well seems Kao-chan is getting to like Butch..

Kaoru: Shut up! Pinky!

Momoko: Hey I'm trying to end this chapter with a good vibes

Me: she's right Kao-chan

Kaoru: You are supposed to be ending this chapter not her..

Me: Yeah I know but I like her to end this chapter right Momo-chan?

Momoko: you got it!

Kaoru: Yeah whatever..

Ok that's it see yeah

"Only a fan fiction story "


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