Chapter 4: Can I ask you out? Part 2

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At the Rowdyruffs House

Boomer's POV

We came home with Butch, Brick already sitting on the couch watching Galactic Man. Oh he is really like Momoko, "Lets teased him," Butch whispered with a evil grinned. "I passed I'm tired, "I entered my room quietly.

Butch 's POV

"Hey Brick,"I shouted, "What?"Brick turned off the T.V
"Did you talked to someone earlier?"I smirked, "uhm..nothing, "he blushed "Are you sure?"I keep on teasing him. His getting pissed off,"Alright already,I'm with Momoko, your happy now!? "Brick surrendered."Oh!did you do something? "Further questioned,"Nothing you jackass!"Brick growled, "Oh how about the kiss on the cheek?you didn't do that huh,"Brick is still blushing, "OK now! I asked her out and she say sure, "he still blushing,"and then what? " I asked,"I kissed her on the cheek,before I walked home, ", "Oh! Our fearless leader had a crush on the leader of the powerpuffs,"I still can't stop teasing him.

Brick 's POV

"Quiet it Butch!,"I shouted, but he keeps on teasing me. "Our leader has a crush,Brick has a crush!",I had it "Why you little!? " I run over him as he entered his room and locked it.

At School (Lunchtime )

Miyako's POV
We are in the cafeteria eating our lunch, Of course the boys are with us. Brick sat beside Momoko, Boomer sat beside me and Butch beside Kaoru. "Psst,"a voice whispered, I turned around it's Boomer. Everyone notice, "Hey Boom what do you ask Miyako?"Brick smirked, "Uhm,"Boomer nervously said,"Oh I get it just like what Brick did yesterday? Am I right Boomer? "Butch said while smirking, "Why am I in this discussion?"Brick said while blushing, Momoko is also blushing, "Uhm,Miyako there something I want to tell you?",he beginning to blushed, "If your free this afternoon I have something to show you,"Uh, Sure,What time?",I said shyly blushed,"after class,I'll bring you home after,"Boomer said.


The bell had rang that means lunch had ended.

Time skip(Class End)

Third Person POV
Everyone is now going home, Momoko and Miyako is getting ready for their date?friendly hang out thats all, While Kaoru is heading to the skate park to have skate.

What will happen to the girls friendly date? I mean Momoko and Miyako..

We will find out in the next chapter..


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