Chapter 5: The Leaders meets the Leaders

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At the Café

Momoko's POV

Brick and I are now inside the café, we both headed to the table for two by the window, the waitress are here to take our order, "Uhm, miss one strawberry shortcake pls?", I said to the waitress, "Chocolate cake pls?, Brick ordered, "OK mam and sir, it will serve in a minute," the waitress said, "Uhm, mam sir are a couple?", we both blushed "No! Just friends thats all," we both said in shocked, "Ah, OK I though you are a couple you both look cute together," the waitress smiled.

After a minute our order came and we started to eat. Silence cover between us until there is a crashed outside the café, me and Brick rushed outside the café, we saw two figures arguing of something, we go closer to the two figures , the little girl has a red hair with a red bow and the boy is also red hair and a red cap backward on is head, he has a long spiky hair, "Momo? do you them?", Brick whispered, "I dont know, but there is something going on here?" I said while at the two.

PPG Blossom's POV
Brick is very stubborn as he is, "Brick would you listened for atleast once," I said in high tone, "What for? Were in a different world now," Brick said stubbornly,"We need to find my sisters and your brothers, so we Can find way to get back to our world," We are still arguing when to person came to us, I think they are teenagers around 13 or 14 years old.

Brick Z POV

Momoko and I are in front of the two person, they seems to be around 5 years old and why they are hear without any guardian, "Uhm, excuse me who are you? ", Momoko spoke, the red haired girl turned around to speak, "I'm Blossom,"the little girl said, "Wait, Blossom as in B-L-O-S-S-O-M!", Momoko questioned, "Yep, Blossom Utonium, Leader of the Powerpuff Girls, from Townsville," Momoko face shock and so as me."And you?", pointing to the red boy, "Brick, Leader of the Rowdyruff Boys, from Townsville, What do want?"Brick growled.

No one POV
"Townsville, Powerpuff Girls Leader," Momoko thought, "You, who are you?", Blossom pointing on Momoko, "Uhm, Momoko Akatsutsumi, 13 years old, I'm a leader also,"Momoko said patiently, " Leader of what? " Blossom questioned, "Actually, my hero name is Hyper Blossom but many people called me Blossom, Leader of the Powerpuff Girls Z," Momoko chuckled, "No way! There is another Blossom beside me," Blossom face palm, "And you, are you Brick also?", pointing to Brick, "Yeah," Brick spoked, "So, what is this place?", Blossom told, "You to are here in New Townsville Japan," Momoko stated,"Hey , what do we do now?!" RRB Brick finally speaked.

Time skip 5:00pm

"We can bring you to the lab, so you can rest for the whole night, think you to came from different dimension, " Momoko offered, "We want to get back to Townsville as soon as possible!", Brick RRB scolded Momoko, "Hey! Easy Bro don't scold her will ya!", RRBZ Brick pissed off glaring at his stubborn counterpart, "Will you Shut Up!" the two faces Blossom."OK, Momoko right? We will go with you, but tomorrow we need to find my sisters and his brothers," Momoko nodded in agreement.

The four leaders, are now heading to the lab.

While walking

"Blossom?" Momoko smiled, "Yeah? What is it?",Blossom responsed, "Is there a lot of villains in your world or dimension ?" Momoko
questioned, " Yeah, to many of them, there is Mojo jojo, Fuzzy, Sedusa, and Many more,"she explained, "Oh, we also have does same villains,"Momoko giggled, "Our last fight was with this annoying Rowdy ruff Boys, " Blossom said, "Hey! Is there a problem Bossy!?" RRB Brick grinned, "Nothing! you red headed, " she smirked, Brick chuckled to laugh, "Look..Momo.. they are very liked us.. right Pinky?" Momoko grinned on Brick, "Shut up! Brick, " Brick stopped laughting.

They finally reached the professor 's lab, "Woah, so this is the laboratory, " Blossom sighted "Yeah, Blossy, can I call you that? " , Momoko looked at Blossom,"Sure," Blossom smiled.

"Professor!?", Momoko yelled. A man appeared in a lab coat along with his son Ken and Poochi.

"Hey Momo..?Who are they and why are you with Brick?", Professor grinned on Brick.

Momoko's POV

Professor was looked confused on what he was now?

"Professor, long story and let me explained, " I took a deep breath, "Professor, I would like to introduced to you Blossom and Brick, Blossom is the Leader of the Powerpuff Girls in their world and Brick is the leader of the Rowdyruff Boys, they are both from Townsville which means they are our counterparts,they landed here in our place and they need to find their siblings so they can get back to their place " I further explained.

"OK then, so she is your counterpart from the other PPG," The Professor sighted.

"Momoko, can you please explain why are you with Brick?", I sighted silently, "Well, Brick ask me out?","What! are you dating a ruff ?" Professor stumbled, "No, he just ask me to go to a café, " I pointed while blushing.

"Yes, Professor, I just ask her to come with me to the café, " Brick explained.

"Uhm, Professor can Blossy and Brick stay here, they have no place to go," I said "OK then we have bed space here so they can stay here," Professor said, "Thanks Professor, " I smiled.

"Thanks, Momoko, " Blossom said cheerfully, "No problem Blossy, since it's Saturday tomorrow, Me and Brick will help you two find your siblings, ", I assured her, "You got to be kidding me?" Brick protest, I punched his shoulder and he nodded in agreement, "Whatever," the other Brick said, since he is kinda 5 years old, I'll call him little Brick since he is the counterpart of Brick.

We left the lab and headed home, Brick offered to take me home, so I just nodded.

Time skip 5:45pm

We finally reached my house, "Goodbye Brick.." before I reached the door knob, he grabbed my risked and he quickly pressed his lips to mine, We pull away and the shocking moment, Kuriko saw it. OH Gosh!

"Mom, Momoko is here kissing her Boyfriend!", Kuriko yelled.

Brick blushed deep red so did I.

I entered my house to catched my little brat sister and said Goodbye to Brick. "BYE, Momoko," Brick waved then walked off.

"KURIKO! Come back here, " I yelled trying to catches Kuriko.

"Momoko has a Boyfriend, Momoko has a Boyfriend!" Kuriko yelled running upstairs.

"No! I don't have any he is just my friend you little brat! ", I yelled while catching her upstairs.

"Girls, don't run upstairs," my mom yelled at the kitchen.

I didn't catched Kuriko , she already locked her room.

"I'll get you for that tomorrow, you little brat!", I yelled outside her room.

I headed to my room which has a heart in the front door. My room is covered with pink design wallpaper and I have collection of galactic man and poster of it.

I change to my sleepwear, and headed straight to my bed. This day had been so breathtaking, I met my cute counterpart Blossom, oh how great is that I have a cute counterpart.

I finally snapped my thoughts,
Brick kissed me? My first kiss was a rowdyruff ? What does it means? Oh wait thats the second, the first was on the cheek.. Oh no! I'M BLUSHING AGAIN!!

OMG what I'm thinking ?JUST go to sleep.

That's all for now everyone my first story.. ^_^


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