Chapter 17: PPGZ has been Kidnapped!

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Brick's POV

"Hi! Bricky!" The red girl punk said

"How do you know me?" I said

"It's easy! The leader of the RRBZ and the boyfriend of that meddling pink leader of the PPGZ ," The red girl punk smirked while pointing Blossom

"Hey! Who you calling meddling pink leader!" Blossom shouted

"You!" The red girl punk smiled evilly

"Oh! That's it! " Blossom is gonna explode

"Brick back off this is my fight! " Blossom eagerly said backing me off

"Hey! I can't leave you fighting with that punk!" I said to her

"It's OK! Besides we are they're targets not you boys!" Blossom give me a smiled

"Hey!punks!" The girls shouted

"Yes girls? " the punks said

"Let's finished this! " BC eagerly said

"Bring it on!" The green punk said

The fight has started..

Yoyo Supreme!

Bubble Blaster!

Hypersonic swing!

The fight last an hour..

I can see the girls are exhausted and the punks, no way! They have no injures,

"Tired now Blossy," the red punk grinned to Blossom

"Never!" Blossom giving all her power to fight

"Poor Bubbles!" The blue punk smiled evilly

"Who's the toughest now?" The green punk laughing at BC

"It's not over you punk!" BC trying to fight back

Power Yo Attack!

Sticking Bubbles!

Megaton Hammer!

The punks counter attack!


We see three figures falling

"No! Bubbles! " Boomer flew faster to catched Bubbles

"Buttercup!" Butch screamed flying faster

"Blossom!" I flew faster I could be to catch her

When we about to reached them, There is three lightning faster than us and the girls disappeared
"Wait!" I said

We all stopped and the smoked is cleared, we saw!

The punks with a three electric giant balls where the girls are inside of it powerless

"Nice try Bricky boy!" The red punk said

"Why you!" I'm about to attack her when..

"Ofs! Hold it Brick if you attack me your precious girlfriend will be in danger!" The red punk smirked holding the giant electric ball which is Blossom is inside of it

"Let my Bubbles go!" Boomer screamed

"Nuh uh!" The blue punk girl said
"Hey! Let her go!" Butch said

"Nuh uh Butchy boy! " the green punk waving her finger saying no

"Who are you anyway!" We all said

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