Chapter 9: Let's do the Mission

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Momoko's POV

We are all here at the lab,

"Uhm, Professor where is Blossom and Brick?" I asked

"They are in the main room, " Professor stated

"Ok guys let's go to the main room, so we can discuss the mission further and you will meet my cute counterpart and also Brick, " I smiled at them and they nodded.

We headed to the main room, I saw Blossom and Brick sitting on the couch talking.

"Hey Blossy!" I waved my hand and she turned around.

"Oh hey Momoko" she respond.

Everyone was amazed on my counterpart.

"Are you really her counterpart?" Kaoru pointed out.

"Yep, even we are in different appearance and age and world, you can say she is alike me because of the signature bow and the color of the eyes which is pink and being the leader of the Powerpuff, " Blossom stated.

"See! I told you I was the leader, Blossy is a leader! " I told Kaoru with a smirked

"Fine, Whatever you say pink leader, " she groaned

"Kaoru is your name right?" Blossom questioned.

"Yeah," she said

"You have a very same characteristics as my sister, you have an alter ego? " Blossom asked

"Yeah, Powered Buttercup but the people always referred me as Buttercup," Kaoru stated

"Oh I see you are really like my sister, " Blossom said looking at Kaoru

"Cool, is her name Buttercup also?" Kaoru asked excitedly

"Yep, " Blossom smiled

"Oh yes! Can we start finding them now?" Kaoru shaking my shoulder

"Hold your excitement Kao-chan, " I said calmly

"Uhm..Blossom do you have another sister ?" Miyako finally spoked up

"Yes, her name is Bubbles she is the most adorable among the three of us and you are both look alike " Blossom answered

"Oh goody! How great, can we start now, " they are both shaking my shoulder, great!

"Hey! Brick say anything?" Blossom demanded Brick sitting beside her

"What am I supposed to say ? You told everything! " Brick said loudly

"Tell the boys about your brothers, you red headed easily get tempered human!" Blossom screamed Brick

"Fine!"Brick groaned

"Boomer is like him and Butch is like him, " Brick pointing both Boomer and Butch

"Cool!" both Butch and Boomer said.

"Ok then let's go find the missing puffs and the ruffs!" They all nodded

We all transformed

Hyper Blossom!

Rolling Bubbles!

Powered Buttercup!

Powerpuff Girls Z!

The boys also transformed

Hard Brick!

Explosive Boomer!

Strong Butch!

Rowdyruff Boys Z!

"Wow! Nice group transformation," Blossom was amazed

"Thanks," we all said

"Blossom, you come with us so we can easily find Bubbles and Buttercup, " I asked her

"Ok sure! Uh? What will I'll call you in that state, We are both named Blossom," Blossom asked in confusion

"Uh..well.."before I say anything

"Pinky," Brick interrupted us

"OK," Blossom nodded and I nodded also even Brick didn't think of a unique name for me.

"You coming Brick?" Blossom asked Brick

"Ok fine! If it is not for my brothers," Brick stand crossed armed Brick

"Good, Brick" Blossom teased

We flew in the air,

At the mid air

Boomer's POV

"Ok guys, Butch and Buttercup on the park, " PPGZ Blossom commanded

"I'm on it!" Buttercup flies away

"Hey! Wait for me Butterfly! " Butch following BC.

"Boomer, Bubbles come with us, we can search the whole forest, " she ordered, we nodded.

Okay our heros started their Mission to find Blossom and Brick's siblings, will they find them easily?

Let's find out as the story continues!

"Just a Fanfiction "


PPGZxRRBZ And PPGxRRB Collide [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now