Chapter 18: RRBZ Saves the Girls

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Boomer's POV

We are now heading to an abandoned building

After a couple of minutes we're here!

"Boom, use your magnifying eyes to see where the girls are being  imprisoned, " Brick ordered

"Roger that!" I said and magnify through the building

"Searching! Searching! " I thought to myself

"Pinggo! I found them!" I said

"Really?" Butch asked

"Where?" Brick asked

I pointed at a wide room at the third floor,

"Let's go!" Brick was about to break to walls of the building

"Wait!" I said stopping him

"What is it Boom?" Brick asked in confusion

"We have to find a window break through silently, " I suggested

"Good Idea!" Butch agreed

We look over the third floor of the that huge room,

"I found it! " Brick pointing on the window of the huge room

We come closer to see who's inside

"Oh no!" I said

"What is it? " Brick trying to peek inside

"Guys, back off," Butch backing us off

He punched the window and it broken, we enter one by one quietly

"We're here! " a familiar voicr whispered

We turned around and see the girls

Butch's POV

"Momoko!" Brick run towards his girl but

"Ow!" Brick bounce back

"What is it, I can't see anything? " Boomer observe the surrounding
"You can't touch us in this situation, " Momoko said

"There is a invisible force field sorrounding us," Kaoru explained

"How can we get you all out?" I asked

Momoko is looking at the surroundings and..

"Wait! " she said

"What? " we all said

"Look over there, there is a remote controller hanging on the door, that must be the controller of this force field, " Momoko pointing on the door

"That's my girl!" Brick smiled at her

"I'll get it! " Boomer getting the controller

"Ok then, hold still! " Boomer pressed it then

"Hey! The force field is gone! " Miyako cheered

"Way to go Boom!" I said

"Brick!" Momoko said while hugging Brick

"Momo, your safe now!" Brick assured her

"I knew you would come and save us! " Miyako cried on Boomer

"Your safe now Miya, don't cry, " Boomer hugged Miyako back

"Thanks Butch! " Kaoru hugged me

"Your welcome my Butterfly! " I said

Brick's POV

The girls are finally safe,

I noticed something is missing,

"Momoko,  where's your Powerpuff belt? " I asked

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