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I'm back!! I thought this will take time.

This early update is because thefangirlofhp, because she knows my weak point. (refer comments on the last chapter) also, fandom0lyfe7 has updated her story. Go check it out if you haven't yet, or miss the fine piece of fanfiction. It's your choice.

One announcement. Since there are no requests for Sirius Black Imagines, I'll update it slowly, I need time to think about stuff to write (maybe you can suggest one or two?)

Anyways, I'll be updating this and Surprises.

WARNING: Sirius/Remus fight and maybe swearing. (Not gonna last for long of course, I don't like them fighting too. I ain't that bad you know)

Enough of my shit...


Sirius's POV (continued)

And I saw her again.

Carina Mathers.

I couldn't believe my ears or my eyes or Albus Dumbledore. The sweet love of my life, who I thought was dead until I learned about her when Harry was 10, that she moved to India after I was sent to Azkaban.

And I wasn't captivated by her beauty for the next 13 years.

But she was her same tall confident self, brave like a Gryffindor, beautiful like a blazing sunset. Blue eyes as an ocean, her wavy thick brown hair.

I couldn't here what Remus was trying to say to me, until he shook me harshly.

"Sirius..." he said, deadpanned as me.

"I know."

"This is crazy."

I did not hear anything Dumbledore said, nor could I concentrate on anything. Remus was shocked to talk too, I assumed. We were quiet for the whole feast. I was looking like an idiot, staring at Caz like that, but she didn't notice me, or maybe didn't recognize me, or maybe she was ignoring me. I didn't know. And if it was the latter, I didn't even want to.

At the end of the feast, I heard Minerva calling my name, I turned towards her.

And our eyes met.

Her smile faded as her eyes fell on me. Maybe she recognized me.

I had mixed feelings. I was instantly mesmerized by her beauty, at the same time I was angry. Maybe it was because she left me, and did nothing to get me out of Azkaban.

That's really selfish of me.

Her blue eyes staring right at me were kind of creepy. It's not like she's creepy. But when someone you haven't met for decades just suddenly appears without warning and stares at you, it's spooky, dude.

I didn't not realize feast had ended until Remus dragged me out of the Great Hall.

That's where we shared a last eye-contact.


Harry's POV

Feast was over. And Sirius and Remus acted really strange! I wonder what was wrong with Sirius, he kept staring at the new History of Magic teacher Carina Mathers.

But he ignored me for her.

I guess I don't like her. No one takes my godfather away from me. (And there you have a cute possessive little godson. That's how I love my Harry-pie)

I was upset. I didn't like Remus and Sirius's behavior today. I might sound like an attention-seeking 4 years old, but I've gotten used to my godfathers. I was never treated even as a dog at my Aunt's.

I finally decided to go meet Sirius, since I had 30 more minutes before bedtime.

And he might even tell me about this Triwizard Tournament Professor Dumbledore was talking about when Sirius was busy staring at Professor Mathers. That happens only if he had listened to Dumbledore. Which I guess he didn't.

This is when Remus is great help.

I reached Sirius's quarters, and I heard voices. Sirius, and Remus.

"So what have you decided Padfoot?" I heard Remus. I wanted to leave, because eavesdropping is not a right thing to do, but I heard something really shocking. "Do you still love her?"

"I don't know," Sirius said.

"Sirius, does it struck your brilliant mind that one day, or another you'll have to confront Carina, and-"


"Whoa Padfoot, no need to yell at me! I'm trying to help!"

"Then just stop being a pussy Moony!"

"I am not being a pussy, I'm just worried!"

Angry footsteps followed Remus's voice.

"Fine! Go! I won't bother you ever again with my concern, or my talk."


Okay, what just happened right now? Both of my godfathers are fighting. Because of Professor Mathers.

I have decided. I hate her now.

My godfathers, the two men so famous for their friendship and understanding for decades, are fighting because of a woman who just stepped in few hours ago.

I decided not to go in, and turned to go to Gryffindor tower.

I was laying on my bed, thinking about what I just heard. Ron interrupted my thoughts, which irritated me further, "So what did Sirius say about the Triwizard Tournament thing?"

"Nothing." I said shortly.

"Nothing? Then why did you go to them?"

I didn't know how to reply, or what to reply. I remained silent.

"Harry?" Ron said again.

I really love him as a best friend, and I enjoy his company, but right now, it's really annoying. He's making me talk about a thing I don't want to. It's really irritating.

"Can we not talk right now?" I tried to be as polite as I can be at the moment.

"Mate, what's up with you? You're acting weird."

"I'M FINE RON! I just want to be left alone. So if you can, please shut up." I said before I could stop myself. Now I regret it.

"Okay. All right. I'll leave you alone. Besides, why do you even need me? You have you're fans out there. I'm just like a waste of space." Ron gave me a dirty look.


"I got it." he turned away and laid down and covered himself with his blanket.


I've lost my godfathers, because they won't talk to each other, and will be busy doing that. Then there's my best friend.

I can't describe how much I hate that Mathers woman.

I have so many 'beautiful' words coming in my mind about her, but I'm not bad-mannered. I restrain myself from saying them aloud.

God, I hate her so much!



Even I don't like my babies fighting, okay? Even I'm a fangirl. So don't say I'm meanie.

If you want to know how things get better, please stick to the book, and read and vote and comment!

In return, I'll give you love and blessings! And a cookie too (A virtual one)

Love you all!!!

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