The Rendezvous

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A/N: Ello there!
I hope I'm on time!

Did you like the plot twist?


Harry's POV (continued)

It was too much to handle for a night.

So yes, I broke the photo frame which had Sirius, Remus and my photograph.

I felt very angry. With everyone. With Carina for obvious reasons.

With Sirius, because, forget about telling me, he didn't even mention an 'Aunt Carina' who was his former lover, and later a Death Eater! With Remus, since he didn't tell me either. Both equally culprits.

I had forgotten that I had detention with the Death Eater until Seamus reminded me how lucky I was to have Detention with 'Lovely Professor Mathers'. I felt like punching him hard.


Like any other 14 years old boy, I wasn't too happy to be in a detention. But this was different. Normally, I hate being in a Detention with someone like Snape. Right now, I wished I was scrubbing the bedpans in the Hospital wing for him.

So here I was, separating 3rd years' and 5th years' essays from a huge pile of parchments. Sitting across the room was Carina, carefully correcting the essays the 6th years wrote the day before.

I felt a huge wave of anger as soon as I set my eyes on her. Controlling this rage wasn't as easy as you think; I dug my teeth into my lower lip.

By the end of the Detention, I realized that I had missed the first 15 minutes of dinner, and that my lower lip is bruised very badly. But I was thankful this was over.

I still had the burning question in my mind; You're a Death Eater, aren't you?

But I didn't ask her this. Self-control is difficult, but necessary.


Remus's POV

Wars and fatalities are man's worst enemies, they said.
Lies. Desperation and anxiety are.

Both the foes have gotten better of me at the moment, since waiting for a long-lost-now-found-best-friend outside the school you teach at is not so easy.

It's very late. Usually I'm no stranger of meetings-at-midnight, given my condition. But tonight, it was Carina's condition which was the topic of discussion.

Finally Carina appeared, restoring my lost patience. My patience is something I can be proud of.

Patience can be restored, but anxiety will hit you, hard. My palm began to sweat as I saw Carina.

"You're late, Caz." I informed her.

"I know. But you're used to this right?"

"Was-" but I reminded myself "That is besides the point. What's the matter, Carina?"

"I need your help." she said, fear and guilt evident in her voice.

"What help?" I asked her, unsure of my capability of helping her.

"It's... Sirius."

I shouldn't have been so shocked. I was expecting this! Anger, for some reason, took hold of me, replacing fear.

"Caz, let's get this straight now. I thought you and Sirius were happy together. James and Lily had Harry, and everything just changed! Sirius thought I was the spy, but I wasn't, Peter was. Then we learnt you were too! You betrayed us all! Why?!"

Carina was in tears yet again. I never see her without a drop of water in her eyes these days. This was different.

"Listen, please, I can explain this-"

"How you became a Death Eater? Sure, I'd love to hear how!" I said in anger.

"Remus I'm NOT a Death Eater!" she yelled, "Look" she pulled the sleeve off her hand.

"I don't have the mark that Severus does! I am not a Death Eater I swear!" she said.

"And I should really believe you?! It's not easy you know. I don't usually trust a Death Eater."

"Remus please!" Caz begged now. "I swear I will put things right! It's just that, things were beyond my control then. And I just didn't know what to do!"

"So betraying us was the only solution."

Carina looked helpless for a moment. Then, as of bracing herself, said "Okay, I'll tell you something Remus. But no matter what, you cannot tell this to anyone. I didn't go to the Malfoy Manor that night by my own will. Dumbledore made me"

"What!!?" was the only thing I could get out of my mouth.

"Yes. I never wanted to betray you all. It was a plan! Meeting at the Malfoy Manor, my joining the Dark Forces! Everything! Dumbledore wanted me to go to them and offer my services to them, but instead of being their spy, I acted as a double agent for the Order!"

I couldn't feel my hands, I was so shocked.

"And I'm not the only one. Before James amd Lily died, someone joint the Order as another Double agent. I don't know who."

I looked away, "But you hurt all of us Caz. Worst of all, James and Lily are dead!"

"You really think I'd intentionally try to do that to you all? Don't you remember what happened in 6th year-?"

"Don't." I said, trying not to bring back the images of Sirius almost dead in front of my eyes. "I can't-"

"Give me one more chance Remus!"

"To do what?"

"Help me get back with Sirius."

"Caz, are you out of your mind?" I asked her, "He can barely stand me talking about you. You seriously think he'll get back with you? Do you even think he'll understand? "

"Okay, just get him talk to me once! I'll make him understand!"

"Fine. Let me sort my own issues with him."

"Your issues?"

"Yeah, we fought a few days ago, and he then had an argument with Harry. Harry hadn't talked to me since. And that was all thanks to you!"

I think I hit a nerve. She looked very upset now.

"But it'll be sorted out right? Now that someone other than you knows the truth?" I said.

She looked at me as if she saw a ghost, then nodded.

We went back into the castle without a word to each other.


Carina's POV

I talked to Remus. But is still feel awful.
I begged him to help me get my love back.

Is that bad?

I don't think so.

But is lying?


Even if it's for your loved one's good?

I'm not sure!

I hope when I have Sirius back, I'll put everything right.

But now, I have a horrible and guilty question in my mind, eating my conscience away.
What did I tell Remus today?
I told him lies. All lies. But for my loved ones greater good.


OH dear. Am I in trouble?
All I want to say is 'One should never make rash decisions and must first know the real backstory behind everything.'

PS: The Harry Potter periodic table helped me a lot. Hope it does to you too :D

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