The Meeting

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🎵'In all this bitterness you stay so sweet. It's such a cruel world'🎵


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Sirius's POV

You know the times when you really don't know what you want to do but then you do what you're supposed to do or what your best friend says even if you don't like it?

Remus said that I should meet my ex-girlfriend. So I was doing that!

It was night, after dinner. I didn't see her at dinner in the Great Hall though. Remus accompanied me to her quarters and left me there in a very awkward situation.

I knocked the door, and as soon as she opened the door, two cats went past me.

And there she was. Beautiful, yet simple and sweet. The ex-love of my life. Cousin of my late best friend. My godson's godmother and Aunt. Carina Mathers.

I had given all hopes of meeting her after she betrayed us that night.

"Oh, Sirius..." she said.

"Remus said you wanted to talk." I said, I gotta be straight with her, "I'm here only because he wanted me to come and listen to you." I was sure anger was clear in my eyes.

"I guess I figured that out." she said as if she was expecting this reaction from me, "Come in."

She let me in her quarters.

"You know I don't have a lot of time." I said, not wanting to wait here even a minute more, hoping this will end soon and I'll go back to my own quarters.

"Sirius, I know you hate me, I know. But, there are a few things I want to tell you. And I feel that you have the right to know them," she said.

"Hate you? That's kind of an understatement. I pretty much loathe you, Carina." I said angrily.

"I understand, but -"

"You do? I just can't imagine how cold-hearted someone can be, back stabbing and becoming the reason for the death of their own cousin and arrest of their boyfriend! I thought you loved me!"

"I do!" she said suddenly, her eyes brimming with tears, "I really do, Sirius. I love you! Please!"

She suddenly threw herself in my arms and started sobbing.

"Get away from me!" I pushed her away, "You, Carina, are the reason my best friend is dead!"

"Sirius, listen to me-"

"You killed him, Carina! You killed James and Lily!"

Carina stared at me in shock and disbelief, her eyes finally letting go of the tears she probably had been trying to control.

"I killed James and Lily, didn't I?" she finally said, biting her lip.

"Yes you did!"

"How can you accuse me of something without knowing the truth?" she whispered.

"Oh, what is the truth then?" I asked her, my voice full of rage.

"I was a double agent for the Order. I was with you all the entire time." she croaked, "Dumbledore had planned my joining to the Dark Forces. But things didn't go according to the plan."

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