One fight down

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I think I was in a huge trouble.
And will be for another few chapters.. (oops)

Also, I'm happy to say that this book was ranked 757th in Fanfictions on 18th September. It might even have changes now I don't know...
Okay I Siriusly don't know what that means. I didn't see it until a friend told me...


Sirius's POV

There are times I wished my life wasn't so difficult.
I fought with all the people I thought were my own.

I fought with Remus, I regret it though. I miss him.

Harry. God, my godson is becoming too much to handle without Remus. I wish I could put things right again.

Carina? Just forget about it, okay?

Okay, that's it. I've decided. I'm not letting a quean come between Remus and I. I'm going to apologise to him. Today itself.

I stood in front of Remus's bedroom, and before I could knock, he opened the door.

Surprise was stuck to his face like the pictures on the walls of my old bedroom at the Grimmauld place were.

"Good Morning, Sirius."

"I wanted to apologize" I came straight to the point.

"Oh" Remus said, "I wonder if I'm dreaming! Sirius Black is apologizing to me!"

"Let me complete!"

"Okay," He chuckled.

"I'm sorry I fought with you. And I'm sorry I called you things I shouldn't have." I said, staring at the ground like a little child.

When I looked up, Remus was laughing at me.

"Hey, why are you laughing? Is this how you forgive a friend, by making fun of him?"

He kept laughing.

"Will you ever stop?"

"Come on in," He said, but did not stop laughing.

We sat on Remus's bed, but Remus still finds it funny that it was I who had the courtesy to apologize first.

"It's funny, the way you came up to me and said sorry. It was as if you were a small child who ate the pie before dinner and is now saying sorry."

"I am not a small child."

"I know that, Sirius."


"So what?"

"Do you forgive me?"

"Hmm.. I guess I do. Do you?"

"Yeah," I said, "Hey! This is when we hug!"


Remus's POV

Sirius looked happy. He got his best friend back after all.

I know I'm awesome.


"Sirius, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." I said.

"Go on," He said.

"Uh... I don't know if you'll like it, but, I met Caz last night."

He looked bewildered, and shocked. I couldn't imagine what was going in his mind.

So I continued, "She said she... Well, she wanted to meet you."

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