Sorting it out

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🎵'And I wanna play it 😎cool😎. Losing you😨😨!'🎵


Yello everyone!!! How are the best people on earth doing?!?

Aha I don't wanna waste your time, so back to the chapter!

._______. (Yes that is a long poker face)

Carina's POV


I opened my eyes slowly, not able to think straight, but knowing someone called my name. I had to blink several times to adjust my vision to the bright light, only to see Sirius Black sitting next to my bed.  My head hurt, and I couldn't recall anything from before I passed out.

The clock hung on the wall to my left informed me it was 9 o'clock in the morning. But it was Sunday, I didn't have children to teach today, and nor did Sirius.

"Sirius?" I couldn't speak louder than a whisper. 

"You're okay." He said and made me lay down again when I tried to sit up.

"What happened?"

"You passed out when we were talking in your quarters last night." he informed me, "Caz, tell me, when was the last time you had anything?"

When was the last time I had anything? There was so much going on in my life it seemed like I had forgotten to eat lately. 

"I don't know." I sighed.

"It seems like you didn't eat anything for a long time, you fainted due to low blood sugar and starvation," a familiar soft voice caught my attention. I turned to the source of the voice to see Madam Pomfrey pouring a liquid in a glass next to my bedside table. I closed my eyes as I couldn't bear the light which was now starting to prick my eyes.

"You have to drink this, sit up Caz." Sirius instructed me.

Even before we were together, in all our Hogwarts years, he usually got all bossy and dictatorial when it came to our health. I remember so well every time Remus had his rough night, Sirius used to sit beside him all night. I found it very cute.

I sat up and drank the potion according to Sirius's orders. It was the same old 'Vitamins potions', except with a good flavor this time, that I had to have in 6th year after I... Well, let's not talk about it.

My head felt heavy. I closed my eyes, or probably squeezed them shut, because Sirius had sensed my discomfort and was helping me lay down again.

I closed my eyes again, thinking I'd go to sleep, but I didn't.

"Caz?" I heard Sirius beside me speak up.

Unable to open my eyes, I just 'Hmm'ed.

"I was thinking all day yesterday. About forgiving you. No don't get up!"

But I was already sitting up at the mention of him forgiving me.

"Talk, please, Sirius"

"Well, I did a lot of thinking, and talked to Remus about it too. He knew didn't he?"

"Yes, I told him a night before I did you" I said.

"We understand your situation. Besides, we cannot change things that have already happened, right? If we keep up this attitude towards each other, if we still keep hating you, it's not going to bring back James and Lily."  he said, "So, Remus and I decided, that we forgive you Caz."

I took a moment to process what he said. Did he just say he forgave me?

Words couldn't define my happiness at that moment. I was shocked amd couldn't speak.

"Caz?" Sirius called after I don't know how much time seeing me paralyzed like this. I came in my senses and hugged him very tightly.

"Thank you Sirius! I can't believe this! Thank you, I love you!" I exclaimed, still hugging him tightly.

"Caz I know you're very happy, but you're also weak but you have tremendous amount of strength even now, and I'm made of bones and you're crushing them," he remarked.

"Oh, sorry" I let go of him.

"I think you should rest now." he said, "Get some sleep, I'm not going away."

His assurance was genuine, I closed my eyes, and it took less than a minute for me to fall in my world of dreams, which I knew were going to be good.


I awoke after what felt like a million years. But it was only noon, according to the clock.

There was no Sirius sitting beside me. He must have left sometime after I fell asleep. Totally understandable.

But a part of me was angry on him. Why did he leave when he said he won't?

But I did it too, didn't I? The other part said.

Sirius and Remus forgave me. But on the basis of a lie!
But I couldn't help it! I have an objective to accomplish. And for that I need them both to be with me.

I'm a terrible person, I know. But it were the circumstances that made me the horrible person that I am.

This is the first step to make up for all my mistakes. I have to succeed, or it'll result in the end of the Wizarding World.

I need my love, and I need my best friend.

Sirius has forgiven me. All I need to do is get him to love me again.


Sirius's POV

About an hour later, I left Caz and went to our quarters, and told Remus all that happened since last night.

"Sirius, I think Harry'd want to know this."


"I don't think he'd want to me..." 

"He would. Did you think we would talk like this when we fought?" He asked.

"That was different Remus." And I went on telling him why we fought.

"Oh, Sirius he's a kid, we're adults aren't we? Children make mistakes, it's our job to help them do it right. Go and talk to him. He'll listen to you."

Remus always knew how to console me. He did it again.

I knew I had to talk to Harry about everything soon, but not that my godson was smart enough to come to me by himself sooner than that.

🎵 I'll buy you 🎁anything🎁, I'll buy you any 💍ring💍!'🎵

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