Moony, the fixer

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It's been more than a month since I last updated. So I'm assuming it's now too late 😅😅😅😅😅

Sirius's POV

"Harry, wait," I said. He turned and looked at me with his bright green eyes accusingly.


"We need to talk," I said, hoping he will be willing to do so.

"I don't think so, Sirius. Last time we did we ended up fighting. Besides I do not wish to intrude your 'love' life," he said, and began to walk away.

A flash of heat went through me as those words escaped his mouth. I knew I couldn't let him go, not once more, "Harry, you have to listen to me."

"Why?" He kept walking.

"Because I'm your godfather!"

"Oh so now you remember!" He turned back sharply, "Where was my godfather when I came to talk to him that day?"

"Pup, listen-"

"You've changed, just because you have a woman in your life," he accused, "Also, the woman that I hate!"

"Harry why do you hate Professor Mathers so much?" I asked him.

"BECAUSE SHE'S A DEATH EATER!" Harry now screamed.

I was too shocked to say anything, Harry's now glassy eyes piercing my heart.

"Yes, I know. I saw her memory! I saw how she left you when you needed her the most the night my parents died! I don't want her in our lives! I don't want you to be in love with a death eater!" He kept shouting, "But you don't care. About me. About anything except her. You are willing to give up your godson for a Death Eater!"

He now finally turned and walk away from me, while I stood there, wanting to do nothing but go behind him and try to convince him Caz is not a Death Eater, and that I didn't mean to neglect him.

But I knew there was no point in losing my temper and talking to him when he has lost his own.

So I let him go. One more time.


Remus's POV

Sirius was completely heartbroken. He tried to mend things between him and Harry, and had made them worse, as he told me, when he and Caz came back from Hogsmeade.

I told him one good thing that came with the argument. That now we know why Harry didn't like Caz.

So, I, the only wise and sane individual of us, had taken it upon myself to solve their little row.

Since the sun was approaching the horizon at an incredibly fast pace, and considering the fact that old Professor McGonagall wouldn't allow students stay in Hogsmeade till evening, I assumed Harry would be back in the common room.

I reached the Gryffindor common room. A wave of nostalgia ran through me as the Fat Lady opened the door to my the password and I  entered. I remembered how Sirius and James used to race to jump onto my back as I entered the same common room twenty years ago.

I shouldn't mention that not all students are accustomed to a teacher barging into their common room when they are relaxing and themselves for a while, unless they have come to announce a new rule or when someone is in big trouble.
But Gryffindors are used to having Sirius or myself come in whenever we find sitting in our own quarters boring or when we want to relax. We enjoy a good game of Exploding Snap or Wizard's Chess with the students from time to time

This time, I had not come here to relax or kill time. I had a mission.

I scanned through the common room, looking for my godson.

And there was Harry, sitting with Ron, and doing what seemed to be his Charms Homework, which looked like a pile of utter mess.

"Hey Harry?" I called him.
He heard me.

Two heads turned towards my direction, one of them being Harry's and other Ron's.

"Remus, what are you doing here?" His facial expressions did not betray his obvious confusion of having me here. He clearly was not happy to see me here.

"Do you have a minute? I think we need to talk," I said, hoping he won't refuse.


He paused. His face was showing clear signs of doubts. "About what?"

"Just come," I said.

He sighed, meaning he gave up. He stood up and followed me to my quarters.

We didn't talk on the way. I revised in my mind what I should say to him, hoping he will take it well.

"If this is about Sirius and Professor Mathers, I don't want to talk about it," he announced.

I was expecting this. So I replied calmly, "So you know this is about it. And there is no way you won't talk about it to me."


"Don't say anything, Harry. Just listen to what I'm saying," I said, "I know what you feel about Sirius and Caz and I also know why you hate her. I understand that you are used to having all of Sirius's care and attention to yourself. But as his godson, don't you that he deserves to be happy too.

"He has taken care of you since you were nine, all by himself. He didn't look for a woman, never been on a date all these years. And trust me, Harry, Sirius was never like that before. Don't you think he would want to have a special someone in his life at some point of his life?"

I paused, waiting for him to process what I said to him.

Then I continued, "He has put in his everything for you even before you were born, to be a good godfather to you. Don't you think he deserves to be happy with his godson and his lover?"

"But she's a Death Eater!!!!!!!! Don't you see, I am okay with sharing Sirius with someone, but not when the woman is a DEATH EATER!!"

"She is not a Death Eater, Harry!  Do you think Dumbledore is daff to give let a Death Eater teach at Hogwarts? Why do you think she is one anyway?"

"I saw her past one day in Professor Dumbledore's office! Sirius was begging her to help him but she just walked away! I saw her talking to Voldemort and saying she's loyal to him! I saw her talking to Wormtail! I'm not stupid, I know this means she is a Death Eater!!! I don't want you or Sirius even near a Death Eater," He practically screamed and cried, "You know why? Because I care about you, about us being a family of good people!!" He was breathing heavily, and was in rage.

"Harry, I know you want us to be a family, with no one to intrude and disturb our lives. I can assure you she is not a Death Eater," I said, calmly, not losing my control. If I lose it, Sirius will lose his godson.

"Then the memories?  What were those?!" He asked, a little calmed than before. My being calm probably made him calmed too.

I debated whether to tell him about her being a double agent.
If I did, Moody will have my head. Not to mention, Molly and other Order members.
If I didn't, Sirius, Harry and probably I could not be a proper family anymore.

"Because she was a double agent. She was working for both Voldemort and Dumbledore. But she was loyal to Dumbledore all along, Harry.

"Yes, her joining the dark side and leaving Sirius was planned, but none of us knew until she told me one day."

He looked at me with confusion, but he was composed and a lot calmer.

"Do you trust me?" I asked him.


This a cliffhanger? If you think so, I'm sorry!!!

Love you all 💖💖💗💟❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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