At Hagrid's

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Hello again awesome people!!! Hope I'm not late for the update. I know I am I'm sorry!!

I had tests and exams and then I went on a holiday so I was busy for like 2 and 1/2 months.  But I promise I will update frequently from now!!!!!

(I never break my promises)

No more talking, get straight to the chapter.


Harry's POV

Next day, History of Magic was free for some reason. Apparently, Professor Mathers was sick and bedridden in the hospital wing. Treats her well. I'm happy.

This cancellation of 1 hour of boring History gave Hermione, Ron and I a reason to finally visit old Hagrid since he had no class to teach at the same time.

Hermione didn't look happy to be missing History of Magic. On the other hand, she was wasn't exactly a fan of Carina as well.

"Are you sure Hagrid doesn't have any class to teach right now?" Ron asked as we walked down to Hagrid's hut.

"I am sure Ron. Remember Hagrid showed us his timetable the first day? He had no class on Friday mornings."

Generally, normal people like us forget things like that. However, Hermione has an eidetic memory and can actually speak text from 'Hogwarts: A history ' word to word.

A few minutes of walking, and we reached Hagrid's hut. The same old gigantic hut for the gigantic Hagrid.  

With each step, horrible smell of rotten fish became stronger and stronger. 

We were greeted by Fang's barks. We knocked, and Hagrid opened the door for us and let us in.

"'Ello there! Long time no see eh?" Hagrid said with a smile, " Sit. I made tea fer yeh ."

We sat down while he poured tea into giant mugs for the four of us. 

I tried to get Carina out of my mind and concentrate on the tea. Funny, how you sometimes want to not think about a certain thing (or person, in my case) but your mind somehow forces you into thinking so hard that you feel faint.

If Hagrid knew Sirius and Remus from the time they were at Hogwarts, surely he must know about Carina as well. After all, I want to get to know more about the woman who betrayed my parents. 

"Hagrid, I was wondering if you know the new teacher who came to teach History of Magic this year," I said. Hermione gave me a nudge as I mentioned Carina to Hagrid as if it was something wrong to do.

"Caz? Oh yes. I know her, o' course!" Hagrid exclaimed, "Such a good kid she was! Perfect fer Sirius. She dis'peared after, well, You-Know-What happened. Now tha' she's back with Sirius I hope everythin's gonna be good fer him."

"NO!" Anger took better of me and I exclaimed before I could stop myself, "I mean, they used to go out together before?!" I pretended to be shocked.

"O' course. Nice li'l couple they made," He said, "Broke poor Sirius's heart when she went. I'm glad they're back together" 

"Harry doesn't like Professor Mathers," Hermione said, 'And after Sirius asked her out again without telling him he's furious with Sirius as well."

"Oh. I see tha'. Did yeh talk to Sirius abou' it?"

"I haven't talked to him since we came back."

"Then yeh should talk to 'im," Hagrid said, "He'd wanna talk to yeh, yeh know."

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