I'm sorry

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A/N: If you thought it was an A/N chapter, my dear friend you're wrong.

I never made any A/N chapters in between a story, nor will I ever do. Except if it's announcing a sequel.

I finally got rid of the plaster on my arm!!!


So as promised, I'm back with a nice good chapter for you all, where everything - uhh - mostly everything gets back to normal.


Before we begin, I want to give a a gentle reminder that this day, 18th of June, was the day 20 years ago, the main protagonist died in canon world.

But you must have heard of this: Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed. Sirius's body was not found.

Does that make you feel better?


Harry's POV

I woke up in the morning, and the events of yesterday came flooding into my mind.

Sirius and Remus's fight.


I instantly felt very guilty and decided to apologize before the end of the day.

But Ron wasn't in the dormitory. Only person here was Neville, and myself.

"Neville, where's Ron?" I asked.

"He woke up early, And went down for breakfast I think." he said, "Why, you had a fight, didn't you?"

"Kind of..."

As if sensing my guilt, Neville smiled at me sympathetically and went to get dressed.

I have to go quickly and apologize to him.


As I entered the Great Hall, I saw that Sirius and Remus weren't talking to each other. Instead, Sirius was sitting on one end of the table and Remus on the other end, talking to Professor Mathers. I felt like I'll explode with anger at her sight.

Judging by the expressions on Remus and Professor Mathers's faces, it's something serious. And there was no pun intended here.

Ron was sitting beside Seamus, and Hermione opposite to him.

Now I have to go and say that I'm sorry.


Remus's POV

It was a lovely day, and I found myself sitting beside a long lost friend, Carina Mathers.

But this girl sitting beside me wasn't the girl I used to be friends with.

She has changed.

Her eyes are red and swollen. She has obviously been crying. Her face was pale and her voice hoarse and sorrowful.

"So you fell off because of me?" She said.

"No. I mean, it's not your fault."

"Does he still love me?"

Exactly what I feared.

I was suddenly lost at words. I didn't want to give her a false hope by saying yes. And I'll break her heart if I say no, she had confessed she still loves Sirius.

But I doubt Sirius does too.

"I don't know." I said.


Harry's POV

Yes. Now's the time.

I was in my Potions class, partnered with Goyle. I'm surely going to get bad grade.

Ron was paired with Pansy. I feel sorry for him.
But more for me, of course. Goyle is not a kind of person you'd want to be paired with. Pansy is mean, very mean, but at least not crap at potions.

Surprisingly, Professor Snape was beginning to act nicely since last year. Yes, I called him Professor.

Plus, him and Sirius are on good terms since he saved me last year.

But I can't say I love him. He can be really mean if you don't show your essays and whatever on time.

I look at Neville and Hermione Amd their potion, which was the color it was supposed to be at this point. Bright green.

I look back at mine. It's brown for some reason, and it kind of stinks badly.

Ron. I need to apologize. Concentrate Harry.

But if I open my mouth right now, I'll give a free invitation to a smack on the back of my head with Professor Snape's book.

Suddenly, I head a loud explosion. Seamus must have blasted his potion again.

But no. I turned to the source of the sound. The sight made me groan. It was not Seamus's cauldron.

It was my own.


It was night, and I wqs back in the common room. The common room was empty, except Hermione, and myself.

"Go Harry." Hermione nudges me as Ron enters.

I felt a lump in my dry throat. She pushed me towards him sharply.

I finally walked upto him and he stopped at my sight and stared at me angrily.

"Ron, I-"

But he was turning to leave. I have to stop him.

"Ron listen!" I called him. But he was leaving quickly.

I jumped between him and the stairs.

"What is it?" he asked me in an angry tone.

"Ron look. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday." I said, "I was not in the mood to talk, but-" I sighed, "I'm sorry."

He still looked very angry to me. But then, his expressions changed.

"Uh. Harry. I'm sorry too. I- I should have understood. You -"

I pulled him into a hug. A manly hug. A tight hug.

I have my best friend back!

I'm glad he doesn't hate me anymore.

"Thanks Ron."

"I'm sorry"

I parted with him as I heard a cough.

Of course, Hermione was still standing there!

I pulled her into our hug as well. We stayed like this for some time.

"Hey, I need to tell you something." I said as we parted finally.

We sat down in the common room, and I told my two best friends about everything I heard yesterday night.

Judging by their experiences, they were as worried as I was.


A/N: Tell me if you like it, tell me if you don't.
I can make it better in upcoming chapters, and here I talk about Sirius and Remus fight.

But for plot reasons, they should fight for some more time.

I'm sorry.

Love you all!! ❤ ❤

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