Pensieve and the huge fight

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A/N: Hey what's up, it's been a while. Talking 'bout it's not my style.
Those who know what this means please comment ;)

I'm back with another chapter. This is an important one, so you should read this before you read the later chapters :)


Carina's POV

I made my way to Dumbledore's office.

I reached the door to his office and knocked it. No answer.

I knocked again. Still no one answered.

I have a short supply of patience. I am already trying hard to hold my tears, which is making it worse. I open the door to find Dumbledore,

Asleep on his chair.

And they say he's the greatest sorcerer ever.

Here I present you, the Grand Sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump, Order of Merlin First Class, Chief Warlock of Wizengamot, Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Percival Wulfuric Brian Dumbledore, asleep on his chair in his office, with lemon drops in his hands.

"Sir." I called him. But he didn't wake up.

"Sir!" this time I shook him awake. He awoke with a jerk.

"Oh, Miss Mathers. I was expecting you today, but not at this hour of night," he said, putting his glasses on his nose properly, "I'm sorry I am a little bit disoriented at the moment. Excuse me."

He arranged himself properly as I remained standing there. "Please sit." he finally said.

I sat down on the chair by his table. "I assume you have a good reason to come to me at this hour, Ms. Mathers."

"I-I wanted to use the Pensieve" I said.

"Oh, I can give you the permission to use it only if I am assured you are not going to use it for wrong-"

"I won't." I said before he could finish his sentence. I knew what he was thinking, that I'll alter my memory. I don't want to do that.

I just want to re-live my happy memories.


Sirius's POV

I fought with Remus.
I fought with my best friend.

But I don't think he actually cares, since I saw him talking with my ex-girlfriend yesterday morning at breakfast.

I saw him hanging out with her a lot lately. Only time I see him is during classes. Rest of the time he's either with Carina or trying to avoid me.

Although I hate her, I have a really strange feeling, a feeling similar to that of jealousy, when I see them together. But who cares? I hate her, right?

It was late evening. I was busy with the essays I received by the fourth years this morning.

There was only one essay left to correct. I picked up the last parchment. The essay was written well. I recognized the handwriting immediately.

Harry Potter

My godson.

It's been a while since I've even talked to him outside the class. I was so preoccupied with my own issues that I neglected my godson.

What a great Godfather I am.

He must be very angry with me now.

I immediately left my office and went to Gryffindor common room. I was sure Harry must be there.

I didn't know how he'd react to my sudden appearance after such a long time. We have a very strong bonding you know, even two days of no conversation is a big thing for us.

Harry was sitting there with Hermione and Ron, and was about to go to his dormitory.

"Harry!" I called.

He turned to face me, his face was not the usual of delight as he saw me. He was, kind of, afraid?
But why would he be afraid of me?

"Hi Ron, Hermione. Harry, can you come to my office?" I asked.


I was shocked beyond senses. My godson, who was usually too happy to chat with me, suddenly asked me for a reason to talk.

"Uh- We didn't talk for a long time, right, Pup?" I said.

He turned towards Ron and Hermione, "I'll be back." and we left the Common Room.


"So, how's everything going?"


"And, I read your essay, it was really good. I'm impressed, Pup"

"Thank you"

Awkward silence followed.

For the first time in all the years with Harry, I noticed he didn't want to talk to me, or wanted to talk about something very important, but didn't know how to begin. I felt very uncomfortable as we shared a very very awkward hug when he came in.

"Harry, do you want to talk about something?" I finally asked him.

"Uh- Yes, actually- Sirius..."

He looked as if he was struggling hard to say something, but was afraid. Why would he be afraid!?

"If you think I'll get angry or yell at you for anything you say, then I'm not going to do that. I promise. You can tell me anything you have in your mind." I assured him, "Is anything troubling you?"

"Oh, yes! Something is troubling me terribly, Sirius." he snapped, "I know there's something between you and Professor Mathers. Don't deny, I saw you at the feast! And I also noticed that she is the reason because of which you ignored me and also fought with Remus!"

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I found it very hard to say anything. He looked very angry and hurt.

"You know Professor Mathers, don't you?" he asked.

"That's none of your business Harry-"

"Yes it is! If you think I'll ignore the fact that you pay more attention to someone who just stepped in and not me and fight with your best friend and I won't notice, I'm sorry to say Sirius, but you're wrong!"

"How dare you Harry?!"

"I don't want to talk to you"

He got up and left the living room. I swear I saw tears from his eyes as he left.


A/N: Oh snap....

You thought it's going to get better? You were wrong!

Now, will Sirius make it up to Remus, and now Harry too? Will he be able to recognize his feeling towards Carina?

I know, I am not going to tell you! You need to read the upcoming chapters for that!!

Love you all!!!

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