First History lesson

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A/N: Hey I'm back!!
And I'm extremely late to update, I know. But you see, it seems like I've completely forgotten how to use wattpad. I've messed my chats (thefangirlofhp, I'm sorry), I can't read comments on rest of my books, and I found a plot hole in this story, so basically I had to rewrite the whole chapter...

Apart from that, I know I messed a few things in the last chapter,
No I'm not going to make it better in this chapter.

But it's going to get better, I won't let them fight forever okay ?


Harry's POV

I hate Sirius. I hate him so much right now!
But I hate Professor Mathers more. She's the very reason of this mess! I wish I could kill her!

Sirius must be angry with me too. But I know I was right. First, he ignored me for this long, fought with Remus, and now expects me to not look into this.


I wondered whether I should see Remus or not.
But he'll be the same I assume.

Or maybe not. He seems too friendly with Professor Mathers lately. I've seen them hanging out a lot. Maybe there's something between them...

I discarded the idea as soon as I got it. Remus and Professor Mathers cannot be together. 'Do you still love her?' Remus had asked Sirius that night.

Remus knows, if she was Sirius's girlfriend in the past, then she's off limits. There's nothing between them.

So today, since it's a Tuesday, I actually get to meet her in person. Yes, it's my first History of Magic lesson of the year. This is actually supposed to be the second one. First one was on Friday, but it got canceled for some reason.

Ron and I were sitting together and Hermione found a place in the next row. I wasn't excited for this, I was kind of nervous.

Imagine your godfathers ex-girlfriend is back and teaching you the worst subject ever. Yes, that's exactly how I feel.

Professor Mathers entered, looking all professional, and, I hate to admit, very beautiful.

All the boys, except me and Ron of course, now are bewitched by her charms. I remember Seamus and Dean talking how beautiful she is beside me in the Great Hall on the first day.

Uh, okay. I admit, for a split second that I was fascinated by her beauty. Only for a split second.

She's beautiful, but I hate her.

And every time I see her, when she's not with Remus, obviously, she's giving her beauty tips to all the girls in the school. I'm happy Ginny is not one of them.

A-And nor is Hermione, of course.

We greeted her as she came in, I did it halfheartedly though.


"Mr. Potter." she said in her sweet voice, and I was snapped out of my thoughts, basically about the hatred I had about her.

"Yes, Professor?"

"It'll do you good if you stop dreaming and pay attention on the Goblin Rebellion, don't you think?"

Before I could stop myself, out of hatred and annoyance, I said, "Oh, really? Then Professor Mathers, it'll do you good if you stop interfering in my godfathers' lives and think about your own, don't you think?"

There were murmurs after I finished speaking. Professor Mathers clearly was furious.

Suddenly, she spoke calmly, "Detention, Harry Potter. Henceforth there will be no discussion about anyone's personal life in this class."

After the class got over, Seamus and Dean came over to me and tried to defend Professor Mathers.

"She's not bad, you know." said Seamus, "She's awesome once you get to know her!"

"And beautiful too" Dean added.

"And beautiful too!"

"Can you guys shut up?"


It was afternoon, and I found myself in gargoyle, leading me to Dumbledore's office.

The gargoyle stopped, and I stepped out of it, then knocked on the huge door. No answer.

I was getting frustrated. I opened the door after a few knocks and about 5 minutes of waiting.


It was then I discovered that the office was empty. I turned to go back, but something sparkly caught my eyes.

It was a bowl, I think, with sparkling liquid. Odd...

Obviously, being a very curious adolescent dude that I am, I went to see what it was.

The liquid seemed to be moving. Oddier.. Well that's not even a word.

That's when I felt a tug from-- INSIDE THE BIG SPARKLY BOWL!

Then I found myself back at Gryffindor common room. But there wasn't the usual feel about this place. Everywhere, I could see unknown faces, some chattering, some studying, and so on. Even their uniforms were different from mine. And the common room looked less populated too.

I saw a girl, who looked like a 6th year, studying. She had red hair and green eyes. Green eyes, like mine. Just like mine. I got them from my mother. So this is my mother.

"Hey Lily" Another girl came and sat near my mother. Brown hair, brown eyes, so much familiar.

Young Carina Mathers.

For a moment I felt so mesmerised by her beauty. Next moment I felt like I'll faint here. This was too much to handle, seeing my young mother and the professor I don't like, together.

I skipped another beat when a dark-haired boy, who looked just like me, came down with another boy with shoulder length black hair.

Oh, my God.

I look at the pair of boys, apparently my father, because he looks like me, and obviously I've seen him in pictures, and my godfather, because I know it's him again because, pictures.

"Hey Evans!"

"Hey Potter..."

My father winked at Sirius, and sat beside the empty place near my mother, "Whacha doin'?"

Now, what should I be calling my parents? Mother and Father? Or Mum and Dad?
I'll go with the latter.

So mum now looked at dad and rolled her eyes.

No it sounds way too cheesy. But I guess you understood.

This so-called romance between my parents was not my centre of attention.

Sirius and Carina's conversation was.
My mouth almost touched the ground. Because Sirius and Carina were.. holding hands?!

Oh bloody hell, I'm gonna faint...


I'm sorry I had to stop. Next update surely won't be this late.
Keep reading! Thanks for votes and reads and comments. I can't tell you how much they mean to me!!!

Love you all!!!

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