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(Special Point of View)


"Hello?" I croaked out, rubbing my eyes. I looked over at the time and saw it read 1:34 am. All of us had gotten home at 8 and we assumed Diana, Kiki, and Gavin were playing fifa because we heard the tv on in Gavin's room.

"Dad, something happened." Diana chocked out from the other side of the phone. I immediately became full awake, as I rubbed my eyes.

"Diana, why are you crying? And where are you?" I questioned. Diana continued to sob over the phone. Colette sat up from the bed, as she rubbed her eyes. She gave me a questioning look.

"We are at the hospital, and Kiki is hurt. Come quick!" She said, crying from the other side of the phone.

"What's going on?" Colette asked me.

"Okay Diana, stay there, we are on our way." I said to her, hanging up the phone. I quickly started to get dressed. Colette stood up from the bed.

"Shay, what is going on?" She asked me.

"Kiki's in the hospital, we need to go now! I'm going to wake the kids up, and drop them off at my mom's!" I said, as Colette started to cry. I immediately walked over to her, and started to comfort her.

"Shay, what if she's-"

"Hey, don't talk like that. Kiki is our fighter, she is strong. We need to go now." I spoke, giving Colette a passionate kiss in which she returned.


"Excuse me can you help us?" I questioned a nurse.

"Who are your looking for?" She replied back.

"Our daughter, Kiki Luna Butler, she was hurt!" Colette spoke.

"I'll get a doctor. Hold on, Doctor Ramirez?" She asked a young looking make doctor. He walked over to us, confused by why he had been called. The nurse told him about us, as he looked at us.

"Okay, I got it from here. Thank you." He said, as the nurse walked away.

"How is our daughter? And where are our other kids?" I asked him.

"Your son Gavin Butler is good, he has no injuries. Diana Butler, had a few cuts and scratches, and a large gash on her face, which we stitched up. She had a sprained ankle, so we wrapped that's up for her. As for Kiki-" He said, as he paused and sighed.

"I'm not the main doctor, but Kiki is still in surgery now. She had major injuries to her head and stomach area, but that's all I know. I can show you to the waiting room if you would like?" He asked, as we nodded.


"Dad! Mom!" Gavin called to us, as Diana limped and Gavin ran over to us. We gave them both tight hugs. I looked at Diana's face and saw that she had stitches on the side of her forehead.

There was a bruise on her face. Gavin had some dried up blood on his shirt.

"What happened?" Colette asked, as the four of us went to sat down.

Diana and Gavin explained to us what happened. They had said that Kiki had tripped over something, which caused her to fall down the mini-cliff on our property. Diana and Gavin went to get her, and they walked through the river. After that, they walked through the forest to the highway where they found Charles and the rest of them.

Once they finished explaining to us, Amber and another boy came up to us.

I recognized him from somewhere, I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Diana, we have to go home, because our parents want us back." Amber spoke, as Diana stood up.

"Alright, I will walk you out." Diana said, as she walked Amber, the boy, and a older looking girl out of the hospital. Once she came back, she sat down.

"Who is they boy?" Colette questioned Diana. From the corner of my eye, I saw Gavin smirk. I had a feeling that something was up.

"He is one of my friends from school names Jordan. They were driving somewhere, and managed to bump into us." Diana responded.

"Are you sure he's just a friend?" Gavin mocked causing Diana to send him a glare. Colette and I exchanged a suspicious look.

"Yes Gavin, he's only a friend," Diana said. Before I could say something, Charles walked over to us. I eyed him, as he sat down. I still didn't fully trust him yet.

"Is Kiki alright?" He asked.

"We don't know yet, they haven't told us anything Charles." Colette kindly said to him. The night that I had the big blowout about him dating Kiki, I had told Colette. Surprisingly, she had been calm with it.

That day, I would of freaked out that much if they would of told me where Kiki was and if Kiki told us she had a boyfriend.

About five minutes later, three doctors came into the waiting room. Two female doctors and one male doctor. They had placed us in a smaller room.

"Shay and Colette Butler?" One of the doctors said. We stood up and walked over to the doctor.

"How is she? Is she alright? Is she alive?" Colette frantically asked. Colette was nervous right now, and she tended too freak out and ramble when she was. Heck, we were all nervous right now.

"Kiki is alive, yes." The male doctor spoke. I let out a sigh of relief.

"However, she did have injuries." One of the female doctors spoke up. Colette and I shared a scared look, as we turned back to the doctors.

"Kiki had a small tree branch stuck in her abdomen, which we removed. However there was fluid in her stomach, which we drained also. During the surgery there was bleeding in her stomach as well, but we stopped it. It came from her liver but we fixed it." The shorter female told us.

"Your daughter had some broken bones when she fell. She broke three ribs and she will need to stay in be for at least three weeks." The male doctor spoke.

"I'm your daughters neurosurgeon, and she had a hemorrhage in her brain. She almost died on the table but we managed to revive her-"

"Oh no." Colette mumbled interrupting the doctor.

"She did have a concussion. Her skull did crack a little, so she needs to take it easy for the next couple of weeks. She should be waking up sometime this week, we can't tell." The neurosurgeon doctor said.

"Thank you." I said, as Colette gave me a hug.

"If you have any questions, feel free to find us." The other female doctor said, as they walked away.


How did you like the chapter?

Sorry I haven't been updating at all, I have these major tests next week and I really need to do well!

I probably won't update this until after the tests, so I can spam on updates!

But who knows?

(Update: yeah, that was me writing this two weeks ago, and now I'm done with my tests. So starting next week, for all of my books, I will be updating 2-3 chapters in the same day for each book!)

Bye guys!

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