chapter 2

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Chapter 2

One month later

It was the day of the concert and I was more ecstatic then necessary. I slipped into a pair of sparkly blue skinny jeans, white off the shoulder top and a black Pokka dotted flats. I stuffed a packet of tissue, cash and lip gloss, along with the ticket, my pills and phone into my clutch bag. Earlier, I had washed my hair and used my curlers to make organised curls.

I walked out of my room just as my sister walked out of hers.

“You look nice, sis. Where you going?” She waggled her eye brows and whistled.

“No where special,” I replied as I sidestepped passed her.

“Oh c’mon dearest sister. Tell me.” She followed behind me, down the stair and into the Kitchen, where Mum and Dad sat at the table eating rice and chicken curry.

“Oh, honey, you look beautiful. Where are you off to?” Mum smiled. I glanced at Dad for support and he winked at me.

“I think she said she’s going to a friend’s house,” he answered for me.

“Yeah, Nina’s house.”  I gave both my parents a kiss on the cheek and my sister a hug before heading towards the front door.

“Have fun and don’t be too late,” Mum shouted from the kitchen. I sighed before replying and walking out of the door.

It was a pretty warm afternoon with the sun beaming high in the sky. There was a light breeze which blew my hair behind my shoulders as I walked. This was perfect with the sun, they make such a great couple. (If you’re wondering, I always have thoughts like this: make things perfect for each other whether it’s an object, the weather or people. My friends call me the match maker).

I hurried towards the bus stop, realising I was short of time. I would have to take four buses each lasting at least half an hour, add the waiting time for these buses on top of that. The buses here take at least ten minutes to arrive.

I was lucky though, just as I approached the bus stop the bus rolled up and stopped. I speed walked and just got into it before it drove off. Four buses later I was near the O2. I looked at the gold watch I was wearing (a gift my parents gave me for my last birthday) and cursed as I realised the concert started at least fifteen minutes ago. I still had five minutes of walking to get there too.

It didn’t take me five minutes though, it took me two minutes and eleven seconds to get there (yes, I was counting). I approached a chubby, tall man dressed in all black with a walkie-talkie strapped to his shoulder and a clipboard and pen on his hand.

“Excuse me.” I stood in front of the guy that looked to be the security guard.

“Yes?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“I have a ticket for the concert.” I took it out of my bag and showed it to the man.

“You’re very late and the concert started a while ago. You’re very lucky since I was planning on heading inside in five minutes.” He took the ticket and let me through.

As I walked through a hallway leading into the room where the artists sang, I was mesmerized by the detail of the hallway. It was shiny and full of life. I noticed there was a door guarded by another security guard. I tiptoed to see the label on the door. Dressing rooms it said. Just as I was about to pass the room, heading to the door to the concert I heard a rather familiar voice.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you did this to me!” When I turned around I saw that it was Nina. Wait, Nina hates music though, especially ones that feature One Direction.

“We’re late already! I bet they’re singing this very minute!” It was Nina’s twelve year old sister. Well, that makes sense. Nina brought her sister to watch them sing. Her sister loves the band to bits and dreams of marrying a band member one day.

They hadn’t seen me yet and I panicked so silently crept behind the security guard. I had to crouch down as he was shorter. Without turning around, the guard addressed to me.

“What do you think you’re doing ma’am?” He whispered this.

“Oh please, I’m hiding from those two!” I pointed at Nina and her sister, Bianca, who weren’t paying any attention to their surrounding and they seemed be more into their argument, their voices raising a few notches.

“I’ll have to deal with those two anyway, they’re argument is a little too loud.” He stepped forward as the girls were half way to the concert door already. I knew that he’d make them turn around so they’d see me. Just before he called for them, I pulled the dressing rooms door open and slipped in, silently shutting it behind me. The guard would be after me and I might as well make the most of it. 

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