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Epilogue – 5 years later

Becky, Nina and I had moved into a flat together just after we completed our A-levels four years ago. The flat was close to our universities and Nina and I attended the same university. I completed a degree in engineering whereas Nina did a degree in Biology. Becky went to a university not too far from ours where she completed a degree in economics. All three of us graduated last week: Nina and I on Tuesday and Becky on Friday. We attended each other’s graduation ceremonies.

I was sitting in the living room of our flat, watching TV alone when my phone went off. I glanced at the screen before answering the phone.

“Becky,” I sang, happy to hear her voice. She spent most of the weekend with Harry (yes, they are still together), so I didn’t see her much over the weekend.

“Anjalee!” she squealed in happiness.

“Why are you so happy today? Harry proposed to you or something?” I joked. I laughed at my own joke. The thought of Becky marrying Harry came to mind a couple of times now. They have been properly dating for three years, no off and on. But the idea also repulsed me too.

The story being that ever since Niall dumped me five years ago, the boys and I didn’t speak once. Becky never brought Harry home on my orders. We kept her relationship with the boys and my relationship with her separate, although she wouldn’t keep her mouth closed about them. The boys and I just never crossed paths again, so I lost contact with them. They moved on with their life without me and I tried my hardest to do the same. Eventually I got used to life without the boys.

“Actually yes. We’re engaged Anji!” She continued to shout through the phone. I heard a rumble of laughter in the background and I could only assume that the laughter’s belonged to the boys. She must be at their house. I sighed with regret. Of course I miss the boys; I have missed them ever since I made the mistake. They thought that it was for the best that I don’t talk to them and I went along with that.

“Oh my God! Are you being serious?” I stood up, then jumped up and down with joy. “That’s amazing. Congratulations Becky!”

“Thank you. You won’t believe it, I was actually crying when he proposed,” she sniffed. There were more giggles in the background. I tried my hardest to ignore it.

“Details please!” I said.

“I will when you come over to Mum and Dad’s house, I’ll be there. Told Nina already but I thought she’d be home with you,” she replied.

“Yeah Nina went out with Jackson.” Jackson is her current boyfriend. Dylan and Nina didn’t even last a week. They’re first date didn’t go so well so they didn’t go out with each other. But now she’s found the right person for her. Next we’ll be hearing that Nina’s getting married. “Oh and aren’t you over at the boys’ house?”

“Yeah but Louis is dropping me off at my parents so me and Harry can give them the news. Come over in about two hours. I have to go now though,” she rushed through her words.

“Oh okay, I’ll be there. Bye Becky, love you.” I kissed the phone and she returned the kiss.

“Love ya’ too.” She hung up immediately after that.

I sat down on the sofa again. I was over the moon with the good news, but as the news sunk in I realised something I hadn’t considered in the past: I will eventually see the guys. Obviously Harry would attend his own wedding and I’m not missing my best friend’s wedding for anything. The boys will be at the wedding and there would be no way I’d be able to avoid them. I doubt that the boys hold a grudge on me anymore. It’s been five years for goodness sake. They must have forgiven me, but I cannot forgive myself for what I did.

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