Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Niall and I sat for a while firing questions at each other, where to begin with everything was basic and easy to answer. He had asked my name at some point, having forgotten it already. His arm remained around my shoulder and eventually I leaned into him and placed my head on his shoulder.

“Okay okay, my turn now right? Question eighteen, hmm…” he thought for a while, tapping his index finger on his lips which he pierced together. “Got one, so you said you’re a fan of the band already. Who’s your favourite in the band?”

“Oh really? Do I have to choose? I have no favourites,” I moaned with a lie. I refuse to accept the truth of the answer to that question.

“Yes, choose,” he nodded, his chin hitting my head each time.

“Okay, you then.” Hey, I live to please, to make people happy whether or not it’s the truth. “You’re my favourite.”

“That’s great. I feel honoured,” he laughed, squeezing my shoulder. He was really getting into the game where he was putting great thoughts into his questions ad answering any of mine with enthusiasm.

I turned to face him and smiled. “Question nineteen. I’ve run out of questions.”

“C’mon, think harder.” It wasn’t that I ran out of questions it was more that I was distracted by his beautiful accent.

“Who’s the last female you kissed?” I panicked and asked. The question was stupid and I felt my stomach flip with embarrassment.

“My Mum,” he replied a little too excitedly. “Over the phone.” He laughed and I joined him in that. At least he didn’t make it awkward.

“Your turn again,” I said through a laugh.

“Question twenty, oh it’s the last question, let me think.” He took the same thinking process all over again, where he tapped his pierced lips. “Okay, have you ever thought about someone so bad, yet you know you shouldn’t because they hurt you or something.”

I froze at the instant he spoke those words and I no longer shook from the cold. Tears began to form on the line of my eyes and a lump caught on my throat.

“Anjalee?” He lifted his shoulder which was near my head and hit it to shake me back into reality.

“Oh, yeah I have felt like that, still do.” I left the answer discrete and he must have sensed the sudden upset.

“Hey, maybe we should head back. It’s been…” he glanced at his wrist watch. “About twenty-five minutes now.”

I nodded and we both stood up. Just as we reached the gates, I stopped and panicked. My heart began to quicken in pace as I looked for my bag all over.

“Oh my God! Where’s my bag?” I screamed as Niall raised an eye brow in confusion. I searched the place with my eyes; looking over at the bench, on my person and even on the floor.

“You didn’t have one with you.” He shrugged. “Calm down, you probably left it in the dressing room.”

Upon uttering those words, the memory of where I had left my bag returned and I relaxed with a smile. “Sorry I tend to exaggerate and take things out of proportion.”

“It’s cool, let’s hurry back.” He tugged at my elbow and we decided to jog back; mostly because I was shaking and he felt bad that he couldn’t offer me his hoodie since people might recognise him.

We got there in pretty much no time at all, where we slowed down beside the window that we sneaked out through. We were both breathless and ended up bent over with her hands on our knees. He regained the sufficient amount of oxygen earlier than me where I was still struggling for air while he rubbed my back soothingly. Soon enough I was fine again.

“What if the interviewers are still in there and they hear us in here?” I questioned while biting my bottom lip with nerves.

“Let me go in and then if their gone, I’ll come and get you.” He took control of the situation where he was already climbing in through the window.

“Niall,” I called as he was back in the bathroom, heading towards the door.

He came back to the window and peeked through to look at me, “yeah?”

“What if they’re still in there?” I said a second time.

“I’ll figure something out, just wait here. Two minutes maximum.” For some reason I believed he would figure something out, he gave a sense of security. I smiled at myself, happy that I met them after all even with the history Liam and I hold. 

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