Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

“Anjalee, I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he whispered as his face was inches away from mine. I froze in his lap out of shock.

“You have a girlfriend.” I pointed out, having stalked his life on the internet these things were known to me.

“Yeah, but it’s you I like. I could never forgive myself for doing all that. I hate myself for letting you go,” he continued to whisper and I was beginning to hear his heavy breathing.

“We should get back, seriously.” I finally stuttered, my cheeks heating up. I yanked myself away from his grip ad stormed out of the room. My stomach began to growl just as the bell for the end of lunch went off. I cursed under my breath at Liam for doing this to me. I had to return to the others before I went through a breakdown. I could hear Liam following, hot under my heels.

“Wait, Anjalee, wait,” he shouted. However, I continued in the direction of the cafeteria. I was relieved when I saw Becky, Nina and the boys walking out of the cafeteria.

“Where were you?” Niall asked even before I’d reached them.

“Just getting some fresh air but now I’m starving,” I pouted just as my stomach growled.

“Here, I have a bit of my sandwich left. You can have it,” Niall offered as the rest laughed at the sound of my stomach. Liam joined us, as we walked towards our lessons.

“Thanks,” I smiled as I took Niall’s half eaten sandwich. I squeezed in between Niall and Zayn to prevent Liam from standing next to me. Niall placed his arm over my shoulders warily, where he relaxed when I didn’t shrug his arm away. I needed the protection.

“So where are we going?” Zayn asked, facing Becky.

“I’ve got Biology so I guess that’s where I’m taking you, Louis and Harry,” Becky answered then turned back to Harry. They seemed to be enjoying a conversation between themselves.

“Okay, this is where I leave you guys. Bye,” Nina called out as she walked into a classroom to our right.

“See you.” Zayn was the only other person who replied other than Becky and I.

“What about us?” Niall nudged me with his shoulder.

“It’s English for us. In the other side of the building though. We’re walking through the science block right now.” I sped up with the realisation. “Becky got to go, catch you later.”

“Bye guys see you in two hours,” Niall called out as we rushed to English. Liam followed behind.

“Bye,” Harry, Zayn and Louis shouted. 

The class was packed when we arrived but our teacher was missing. The teacher is rarely late, usually earlier than the first person to class. As we entered the class, girls fought over each other to get to Liam and Niall. Word got out that they were joining our English class and every girl had a pen and paper ready. Some of the boys gathered around, not that there were many in our class anyway. There were five boys and ten girls in total. Once again, I was squished in between the crowd and I shoved my way out of it. I glanced over at Dylan, a boy with short black hair and the most amazing blue eyes, and smiled as our eyes met. He sat in the far corner of the room, arms crossed over his chest and leaning back on his chair. He winked at me and I made my way to him, taking a seat on the chair by the desk next to his.

“Hey,” he began with his deep voice, his chair back on four legs.

“What’s up Dyl?” I replied, excitedly. He was one of my closest friends yet I rarely got to see him, so when I did I was always so happy.

“So what’s happened there? I thought you hated Liam because of what he did. Remember I was helping you through the period of time he hurt you and even after when he left.” It was as though he was angry.

“Why are you angry with me? The principal told me to escort them, show them around and it happened to be those two,” I explained, my mood dampening a little.

“I’m not angry. I don’t want to see you hurt, I don’t want you to make a mistake again.” He seemed really concerned.

“Chill Dyl. Promise I won’t do anything I’d regret,” I promised just as the teacher walked into the room.

“Guys, take your seats now and leave the boys alone. I am aware that you guys are excited but there is plenty of time for them after class. Boys, please grab a chair and sit up front,” Mr Holder ordered as he took a seat behind his desk. Mr Holder was a man in his forties although he looks way younger with his wrinkleless skin and muscular figure. His voice was one of the deepest I’ve ever heard yet it suited him. Everyone listened to him, the girls taking their seats and Niall and Liam sitting up front. “Today’s lesson is about regret. We will implement it into the idea of…” he gave out an outcome of the lesson and telling us how it’d relate to the book we were reading in class.

“Sir, why are we up here?” Liam spoke up for the first time since he made a movement on me.

“You remember how my lessons work right? You used to be in my class and I expect you to remember.” He ran his fingers through his thick black hair which is beginning to turn white.

“Yes sir,” Liam answered sheepishly. Niall was staring at me with a smile glued to his face.

“Answer this: is there something you regret in your life?” Mr Holder asked Liam first. “And I don’t want too much detail. Keep your personal life to yourself.”

“Yes there is,” he hesitated at first, where every eye was on him, including my own, until his eyes came upon mine. “I regret deceiving someone so close to me. I regret hurting her and if I realised back then, then I wouldn’t have done it. I have ruined everything.” His eyes didn’t leave mine and I found my insides melting. I mean, what kind of girl wouldn’t think that was sweet. I quickly smiled at him before turning back to Mr Holder.

“Okay, now you… err…Niall. Have you ever regretted anything?” I turned to Niall.

“Yes, I regret not meeting a certain girl earlier.” All the girls roared in excitement, hoping that the girl was them. Although I realised it must have been me because his eyes stayed on mine. There was no hesitation. I felt really awkward and turned away with embarrassment.

“Okay.” Mr Holder pointed at Felicia, an outgoing girl who sat on first row. “Is there anything you regret Felicia?”

“I regret not talking to Liam when he was in our school,” she projected, proudly. He gave her a genuine smile but I noticed his smile wavered when he looked away.

“What about you Anna?” Mr Holder pointed at her since she wasn’t paying attention. She was too busy fixing her appearance using her hand mirror.

“Huh? What sir?” She raised her eye brows, shutting her mirror.

“Do you regret anything?”

“Oh, yes, I regret not meeting the other members of One Direction. I would love to get to know them better.” She blew a kiss at Niall and he smiled at her crookedly. 

“Moving on. What about Jessica?” Mr Holder also rolled his eyes, then called Jessica out since she wasn’t paying attention either.

“I regret not getting Liam’s number before he became famous.” Jessica was shameless as well as a flirt. She’s the gold digger type where she would go for an older guy as long as he had money.

“Great, what have I gotten myself into? Is there no sensible answers?” Mr Holder mumbled sarcastically. “Dylan, is there anything you regret?”

I whipped my head to my left so I could see him when he gave his answer.

“Nope,” Dylan simply answered.

“Okay. Best answer I have gotten so far. And Anjalee, any regrets?”

I thought hard about mine, looking from Dylan to Liam and then to Niall. “I regret failing English last year and this year I plan on working my butt off to change that,” I settled on.

“Good, that’s more into the theme. Okay, now yesterday we all read in the book that…” The lesson went by with a few references to the book and a lot of inferring. 

Forgive But Never Forget (A One Direction Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now