Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I waited a while, no more than one minute before Niall came back in the bathroom. Well, I thought it was Niall when I heard the bathroom door turn, instead Harry came into view. He held my clutch bag in hand and glued an expression of boredom on his face. He stretched his hand, which held my bag, out through the window for me to take my bag.

“What’s happening?” I asked a little confused, taking my bag from him.

“We’re going now, we’ve sung the songs and now we’re heading back home,” he replied, rolling his eyes as though I should’ve known.

“But Niall…” I trailed off, actually not knowing what to say. What did Niall say? Nothing really.

“I don’t know why but Niall suggested you come with us.” He grunted after the sentence like he despised the idea.  Wait…Niall wants me to come back with them? I cannot do that.

“Okay, what is your problem dude?” I snapped, addressing the tone of his voice first.

“Oh, you wanna know my problem? My problem is you!” he used his bony index finger to point at me in emphasis of his words. It hurt me though; I felt a lump form in my throat. He doesn’t even know me so how can I be the problem?

“H-how? Why?” I stuttered in shock of the bluntness of his sentence. “What did I do?”

“You hurt my friend and anyone who does that has to deal with me.” His reaction made sense, although not fully.

“Were you not there when he said he hurt me?” I retaliated more confident than before.

“Yeah well, do I believe that? No. For all I know, he’s been guilt tripped into it, blaming himself for it when in actual fact it was nothing to do with him.” He lifted his nose at me like he was superior.

“You know what? I don’t need this. This was the biggest mistake of my life, I don’t even like you guys! Tell Niall I’m sorry but I’m going home now,” I shouted at him, anger built up and I felt the heat on my face. With those words I turned around and stomped off towards the direction of the bus stop. This was the worst day ever!

The bus stop was empty, so I took a seat under the bus shelter. Just as I sat down, I felt a vibration sourcing from my bag. I rummaged through my bag and dug out my phone. Upon looking at the screen at the ID caller, the anger instantly blew away with the wind and I smiled before answering.

“Becky!” I squealed into the phone, elongating the name towards the end. Becky’s my best friend and nicest person I’ve ever met. In fact, she’s too nice for her own good. Her voice is sweet like an angel. She hated the way she looked but I couldn’t disagree more, with her dark hair, mixed complexion and a stunning figure she looked amazing. One more thing: she loved One Direction yet she knew nothing about my, what used to be until today, fascination over them.

“Anjalee, where are you?” She attacked through the phone.

“Why, what’s up?” I whispered into the phone.

“I went to your house and your Mum said you were at Nina’s. Then I called Nina and she knows nothing about your whereabouts, that’s what’s up.” Her voice was calm in comparison to the voice that should be used for a telling off.  Just as she finished her sentence a black seven seater car stopped in front of the bus stop. The back door opened and out popped Niall, the hood of his jumper covering half his face.

“Becky, I’m so sorry. I’ll call you back later.” I disconnected the call before she had a chance to protest and placed my phone back in the bag.

“Why did you leave? I said I’ll figure something out.” Niall asked, with one side of his mouth raised.

“I have to get home. Sorry,” I apologised and looked passed Niall’s head at the car. The window was rolled down and Liam stared through it. When he noticed me look at him, he quickly turned away and rolled the window back up. The windows were blacked up so people from the inside were able to see but people couldn’t look in.

“Didn’t you pay for a ticket to get into the concert? That must have costed you and you didn’t even see anyone perform.” Concern portrayed through his eyes and voice.

“Yeah, well it doesn’t matter. I only came to see you guys perform anyway.” The words escaped my mouth before I could hold back. I instantly slapped my hand over my mouth. “Let’s pretend I didn’t say that.” I blushed.

“There’s nothing wrong with that you know. Hey, c’mon we can drop you off. Where do you live?” Niall offered, holding my wrist. “Look you have goose bumps all over your arms.”

“No thanks, I’ll take the bus. I live far anyway.” I focussed on the ground in front, I couldn’t face further embarrassment and only God knows what’s in store for me.

“It’s not a bother though,” he persisted, pulling at my arm lightly.

“No seriously, I like taking the bus.” I had no intention of mentioning I had to take four buses since it would be harder to convince him to leave me alone.

“Okay, well at least give me your phone number.” Three teenage girls in more suitable clothes for the weather than I wore were passing when they turned to face us.

“Oh my God, you’re Niall Horan, oh my god!” One girl with brunette hair, a pretty face but short body squealed with recognition.

“Er…damn!” He whispered so they couldn’t hear.

“Can we have your autograph and a picture please?” Another Blonde haired girl asked, batting her eyes at him.

“Where’s Liam or Harry?” The third girl asked as Niall signed the paper they handed him with a little sigh. He smiled at them and allowed each of them to take a picture.

“I don’t know,” he lied. He gave me a glance of apology as the girls seemed to be glued to him and refused to walk on.

“Sorry guys, but we’re a little busy here,” I spoke up to save him from further encounter. There weren’t many people around and he needed to hurry up if he wanted no one else to see him. The brunette frowned at me as though she just noticed me but let go of him anyway. The other two smiled sweetly before they pulled their friend away who was a little reluctant to leave.

“Thanks for that, i owe you. I’ll have to go now, but please give me your number.” He practically begged and although my heart was saying yes, my head was saying no and every other time I’ve gone with my head. I thought about it and then nodded.

“Pass me your phone.” I stretched out my hand and he took his phone out and placed it on my hand. I started putting in a phone number but it wasn’t my number, it was Becky’s one. He’ll definitely be surprised. I smiled and handed it back to him.

“Thanks, talk to you later.” He smiled before walking towards the car, opening the door and climbing in. I heard a rush of noise as the door open and assumed they were complaining at him for taking too long. He shut the door and the car drove off.

I was left with mountains of thoughts, replaying the events through the whole journey home. 

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