Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Zayn and Harry looked from me to Liam, then back at me before another look towards Liam. They had a face of bewilderment.

“Hi Liam,” I giggled, giving him a cheeky smile. I stood awkwardly facing all of them.

At that point Louis pushed passed the guys and threw half the contents on the sofa on the floor before taking a seat.

“Hi,” he smiled, as if my presence was normal. “Who’s this?” the smile didn’t disappear from his face.

“Liam’s friend,” Harry answered.

“Oh, in that case, have a carrot.” Louis stood up and headed over to a large bag, where he unzipped and took out a carrot stick. He handed it to me before taking a seat back on the sofa.

“Er…well thanks,” I replied slightly laughing at Louis’s actions. He was definitely funny.

“Okay, one of you needs to start talking. Stop staring at each other already!” Zayn said, walking into the room. They all moved into the room and closed the door behind them. “C’mon!”

“Well, Liam was a school mate,” I answered seeing as Liam was yet to be over the shock.

“Friends actually! until she started avoiding me.” He rolled his eyes. The memory of everything that happen that year caused tears to fill my eyes. I was able to push the whole thing to the back of my mind and didn’t realise seeing him in person would cause the memories to come back.

“Awwh Liam, tell Uncle Louis all about it.” Louis got up and held Liam by both his hand, then dragged him towards the sofa where he forced him to sit down. He’s freaky.

“I am still here you know,” I moaned as the others gathered around Liam.

“Take a seat here then.” Harry pushed the rest of the things on the sofa off and pointed at the spot next to Liam where he took the last free seat in the corner.

“No thanks, I’d rather stand.”

“No need to be picky,” Zayn retorted.

“Someone needs to keep a look out in case someone comes. Then she’ll be kicked out,” Niall said, glancing towards the door.

“I don’t mind. I’ll go now,” I replied, heading towards the door. Niall took a hold of my arm.

“Not until everything is sorted. You upset our friend.” Harry’s hair bounced once again.

“He looks fine to me. I shouldn’t have actually come. I just…” I trailed off, realising the real reason to my obsession of the band.

“Guys, she’s right. Do I look upset to you? You lot are overreacting,” Liam’s deep voice spoke with confidence. He took a brave glance towards me as I bit my bottom lip.

“You can let go of me, Niall!” I shouted. He was still holding my arm. Niall flinched from the volume of my voice and let go of my arm as though it suddenly burnt him.

“Can I be the look out?” Liam offered, hoping for laughs which he received only  from me.

“No you idiot! You are the reason we need the look out,” Zayn replied, smoothing down his hair. “I’ll go be the lookout then.” I didn’t fail to notice the wink he directed towards me before he left.

After he had left, there was a long silence of awkwardness. I kept catching Niall staring at me in which he would smile when I caught him. I’d return that smile but then turn away. Harry kept glancing my way a few times with a frown. We were in silence because we were waiting for Louis to return from the bathroom in which he was taking too long in.

“This is ridiculous. Just tell us the problem.” Harry let out a little outburst. Just then Louis came out of the bathroom.

“What did I miss guys?” He sang and wrestled onto the sofa, taking the free seat.

“Nothing, nothing at all. No one is talking. Louis get Liam talking already. This is getting frustrating,” Niall ordered, letting out a grunt of annoyance.

“Poor baby, doesn’t want to talk. Tell me, c’mon you know you want to.” Louis rubbed Liam’s back to the point that even I wanted to slap it off. Niall approached me a little slowly, wary that I may bark at him again.

“Are you alright?” He asked, once we were standing side by side. He smiled at me.

“I would be if you let me go. I made a big mistake coming, but I really…” I began but Liam shouting interrupted me.

“Louis! Stop being annoying. Okay I’ll tell you!” Liam, I noticed, avoided eye contact. I saw that Harry was smirking with triumphant and he glanced at me with a screw face.

“What were you going to say before that?” Niall asked, pointing towards the three boys at the sofa.

“Nothing, forget it,” I mumbled under my breath.

“C’mon, you can’t start something and not end it.” I really enjoying Niall’s accent and wanted him to talk for ages.

“I hurt her,” Liam answered the boys’ seconds later.

“I don’t want you talking about it, Liam. Let’s just leave it to the past!” I shouted at Liam.

The door flung open, causing me to jump a mile in the air where Niall caught me, and in ran Zayn.

“Quick boys, hide her. People are coming to interview us or something!” Zayn huffed as he stopped in the middle of the room, tripping over a few things in the room.

Without my consent, Niall grabbed me and pulled me towards the bathroom. 

Forgive But Never Forget (A One Direction Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now