Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I sat down on his messy bed (probably from the make out session he had with Danielle) and picked up the photo. I smiled at the photo because it was a good picture of me. I rarely look good in photos.

“What are you doing?” I jumped up and didn’t notice Liam walk into his room.

“I…, I mean…I came to get you because we ordered pizza but when I called for you, you weren’t here and I was about to leave but I saw this.” I panicked and rushed through everything I was saying. “Why do you have a photo of me?”

I watched as he blushed. “Err, no reason. I was going to give it to you, I just keep forgetting.” He stuttered through his words.

“Didn’t she see it when you guys were in your room just now? You just left it here.” I was, somehow, confused but relieved at the same time.

“No, err… I took it out now, just after she left.” He spoke in an inaudible voice. He refused to look at me. He then, slowly, made his way to the bed and plopped himself on his bed beside me. We remained silent for a while.

“I like this photo of me,” I smiled at the photo of myself.

“It’s a good photo of you. You always look good,” he complimented.

I snapped away from the photo and looked up into his eyes with a smile, “Oh, you really think so?”

~Liam’s Point of view ~ (from the point he sits next to her on the bed)

Initially my stomach did a back flip when I walked into my room to see Anjalee gazing at the photo I had of her. It was one I stole from Niall without his knowledge and he was yet to find out. The photo wasn’t something I planned on showing her and I was embarrassed at first, but I needn’t have worried since Anjalee didn’t make a big deal of it. As I sat beside her on my bed, watching her smile at her own photo I realised how beautiful she really was.

Back when we both were at school, I never saw Anji more than a friend, and so when she admitted that she liked me I had no idea how to react. I mean, she was average looking back at school but since my absence she had grown into something amazing. I, obviously, reacted in the wrong way and I was such a tool back at school. I regret everything that I did and I wished that I could have her. It would’ve been so much easier to get over her if she wasn’t in our house every so often. I pretend I don’t care but I really do, when she’s with Niall I just wish she was in my arms. Sometimes I forget about my girlfriend. That makes me such a bad boyfriend but I can’t help it.

“I like this photo of me.” She smiled at her photo.  

“It’s a good photo of you. You always look good,” I replied and I really meant it.

She looked up into my eyes with a smile, “Oh, you really think so?”

I hadn’t realised how close I was to her, so when she looked up our faces weren’t very far apart. “Yes,” I whispered. I couldn’t help myself as I briefly glanced at her lips. I could’ve sworn I saw her blush at that. I took my chances and placed my left hand on her right cheek and pushed a little in her hair. I thought she would push me away, attack me or something but instead she began leaning in towards me. She closed her eyes and I began to lean in too. The thought of finally kissing her after so long tingled my lips even before they touched hers.

When our lips did touch, the kiss was better than I had imagined. Sparks flew, fireworks blew in my mind. Everything seemed perfect.

~Niall’s Point of view~

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was too shocked to say anything. I love her, even though I hadn’t told her yet, and she goes and does that to me.

I was wondering what was taking Anjalee and Liam so long so I went to get them, but when I went to his room I saw that they were kissing. It took a while to register in my head. I hadn’t expected that from her. She’s the perfect girlfriend, but then again, how long has she been kissing Liam behind my back? When I saw them kissing I froze at the door, my eyes widening.

Anger built inside the more I watched them. I wanted to punch Liam, but violence wouldn’t satisfy me and this was as much as her doing that it was his. I turned around, kicking the door by accident on the way out, heading for my room. A lump was caught in my throat and I clenched my fists as I walked away. I was angry. I was hurt. I was heartbroken.

I walked into my room and slammed the door shut, locked the door before diving into my bed. I grabbed at my hair and pulled it to stop the tears from coming. I let out a growl.

“Niall, listen mate.” It was Liam.

“Please Niall, let us in,” Anjalee’s soft voice spoke through the door. Her voice wavered as though she was in tears.

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