Christmas day.

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"Ho, ho, ho! Guess who got to go, go, go." Dallas exclaimed, waking everyone up. "Hey, Dal." Ponyboy said, standing up to stretch, as everyone else did the same. "When did Darry, bale you out?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Like fifteen minuets ago." Darry said, dressed up in a suit. "That's tuff." Johnny said, in his sleepy voice. Awe he sounds so cute like that! (A/N: Y'all already know what the gifts are so I'm not gonna write what everyone got all over again. It's not a figure of being rude..... It's a figure of me being lazy lol.)

Everyone opened up their gifts and Two-Bit was super happy when he saw the Mickey mouse, wrapping paper. "A Mickey mouse DVD!!! You shouldn't have!" He exclaimed when he saw the movie. "Nothing's to good for my friends." I said, while looking down and blushing. I got a Mickey mouse T-shirt from Two-Bit and five dollars from Steve. I also got shoes from Darry, and a perfume set from Soda. (Which is very generous of him, since I love perfume.) Ponyboy gave me some hair spray. (He knows me so well!) Dally being here was his gift to everyone and Johnny have me a silver necklace that had his ring around it. Oh my gosh! He's giving me his ring! "Will you wear my ring?" He whispered in my ear, while clipping it around my neck. I nodded, blushing even more with a smile from ear to ear.

"I love my jacket!" He said, putting the new blue jean jacket on and smiling. "You look tuff in it." Bridget said, admiring the bracelets Ponyboy have her while trying on the fair accessories I gave her. She looks beautiful as ever in them. I thought as I watched her straighten the bracelets once again. "Your the prettier twin." I heard Johnny say, as he wrapped his arms around my waist while standing behind me. "Don't be so sure." Johnny mumbled, with his lips pressed against the back of my head. "I have something to give you in our room." I said, closing my eyes; just trying to take in the moment.

"Mmmm, I bet it'll be just as good as the gift you've already given me." He said, kissing my cheek for a long time. "I hope you like it." I said, before we headed up stairs; where his gift awaits. I handed him the small box containing the switch in it and watched him open it. "A new switchblade?!" He said excitedly, slightly bouncing on the bed. "Yea... Figured I'd get you one since I don't want you gettin' hurt." I said, just before he crashed his lips on mine. "You're the best girlfriend ever." He told me before lightly pushing me down on the bed. "Hey guys...... Johnny, please get off my twin.... It's really weird." Bridget said, shielding her eyes. "Maybe later." Johnny whispered in my ear, as my face slowly turned the color of a tomato. "Y'all decent?" Bridget asked, before removing her hands from her eyes. Yup.... That's my twin. "Anyways, Darry said it's time for lunch." She finished what she had to say and left, just like that. "Well.... We still have a week together." I said, twisting Johnny's ring that hung on the silver necklace that hung low around my neck. "Yea, and I'll cherish every minuet of it." He said, putting his arm around me and kissing my cheek. "We better head down to lunch before Dare-Bear gets after us." I said, getting up from the bed; just to be dragged back down. "Your not going anywhere just yet." Johnny said, with his arms firmly around my waist before he pressed his lips to mine in a long passionate kiss.

A/N: Sorry for making you wait for an update.... Regions still has me on my toes and advanced social studies wasn't really that good of an idea. I'm in all advanced classes, but social studies must be the worst. I'll update later on another fan-fic.... Idk which one but there will be an update . Well, TTYLXOX, until later. Love, Sweetpea.

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