Mom? Her dad!?!

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Mary's POV.

She dialed another number, developing a bigger and bigger smile with every ring. "Hello? Umm, you have a visitor, would you mind coming to the golden gate?" The lady asked, giggling between each sentence. "Great, thanks!" She hung up, squealing with joy. "Your mom is on her way!" She exclaimed, bouncing around before I was blinded by the light of a beautiful angel. Her wings were gold with a white, flowing dress that dragged the floor as she walked; leaving a train. It was made of lace and appeared like a wedding gown, but ten times as pretty. "Mom?" I choked out, my eyes wide with shock. "Sweetheart." She said, sweetly extending her arms out to me, hugging me through the gate. "Mom, I don't live with dad anymore, I live with a gang my boyfriend's a part of. He saved me from freezing to death in the cold blizzard, he loves me and never abuses me the way dad did." I told her, quickly, tears of joy running down my cheeks.

"I know, I always knew you'd find a love like that.... But what I really wanna know is how you got here. Then I have to tell you that you're not an only child. " My mom said, seriousness combining with joy in her relaxed smile. "I know, I have a twin named Bridget... Quite a character, too. She and Ponyboy got together, now you can't pull them apart. I got here because I'm stupid, you see, my boyfriend and I got a job with Sodapop at the DX, Johnny part time like Steve and I'm full time with Soda. After the first day Soda developed feelings for me and started to act funny, like he was mad at as all the time. I decided to go ask him what's wrong ,because Johnny and I hate when people get mad at us, well he told me some story about him loving a girl who was in love with someone else. So, I just gave him advice then Darrel came and got us, since he's the oldest and most responsible. Since Johnny was worried a soc had got me he kissed me all romantically which drove Soda crazy. Since he's my friend I went to see what was really wrong..... Then.... Then he kissed me. It didn't feel right, it wasn't anything like when Johnny kisses me. Johnny saw the kiss, ran out and long story short he and I had some alone time on the monkey bars, so we..... Maybe, kinda, sorta..... Madeout. Then Soda saw and I freaked out, ran down the street, then when I was a block away someone ran over me." I explained, it seemed we spoke fast because of the short time we had together. She nodded suddenly serious. Her smile had gone away. "You're gonna suffer serious pain when you get back. " She mumbled, brushing some bangs outta my face. "Don't worry about me, momma, as long as I get back to Johnny I'm happy. I'd suffer any pain to be with him. " I told her, just as serious now. "Don't worry about me."

Johnny's POV.

Soda and I rushed to the police station, trying to find out how they knew it was a murder. "Hello, I'm Sodap-" Soda started telling the man behind the desk. "I know who you are, Sodapop. I was one of the police in the court room when Pony and Johnny had got into some trouble. I'm glad y'all got to stay with ol' Darrel. He's good for you two. Anywho, what can I help you boys with? " The officer asked, adjusting his hat. "We're here about Mary Faith Lea, do you know anything? " I interrupted, frantically. "As a matter of fact I do. Her old man turned himself in right after he did it. In court he said, that if he had to do it all over again, he'd run over her the same way he did today. He has no regrets. We were gonna bring her to the lab to find out more, but right after we put her in the body bag we felt a slow pulse; so we handed her over to the medics. " He explained, making me furious. Who would try to kill their own daughter. Then I remembered my own parents, remembering the hate they have for me. Shoot, now Imma watch out, to make sure my parents ain't gonna kill me. I thought, his last sentence broke through to me. "You mean she's alive?! " I exclaimed, jumping so high, the officer could almost see my shoes over his desk. "I don't know if she still is. I mean a few hours ago she was pretty bad off. She's at Tulsa hospital if y'all wanna go see." He informed us, stacking some paper then taping it against the desk to straighten it. "Thanks a million!" Sodapop and I shouted, leaving. "Tell Dallas Winston I said hi, will ya?" The officer shouted back. "Sure thing, sir, sure thing! " Soda shouted back. Then we were on our way to Tulsa hospital.

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