Murder? Revenge? My love !

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Johnny's POV.

I saw Mary running and knew it would not end well. I just had that feeling. She shoved past the gang and down the block, doing a quick turn almost falling. I knew it wouldn't be long before she fell; though I was praying she wouldn't. Then she was a block away from us, sprinting.... Then falling. We caught up just as the truck hit her. Please not her. I thought. Let it be me not her. I knew I could've took it. I've came close to death before but she hasn't. She's so sweet and innocent, despite her cruel father. I love her so much and there she lay, barely breathing on the pavement. I stumbled forward at the same time Sodapop did. I wanted to hurt him, kill her like he'd killed her. Put him through the pain she is going through. But then I saw his eyes. He looked sad as well. He wants her to live just like I do. "Mary! Baby! Please come back to me! I'm sorry! Please, please, please!" I begged, but there was no reply. Not even a twitch. I fell to my knees and Bridget started crying. Then sobbing. Then bawling. She screamed quietly. Ponyboy tried to comfort her but he was crying himself. "You'll be ok." I whispered to Mary, but I said it so soft I knew she didn't hear it. I knew no one could. But it was important to me that I said it. If I didn't I knew I would surely lose my mind. I wanted her to be peaceful and calm... But she didn't look anything like that. She just looked dead. I cried. It takes alot to make me cry, but this was something to cry for. Those days I held her in my arm were golden days. Days I wouldn't give up for anything in the world.

"C'mon! She can't just die at age 15! She hasn't has time to live!" Sodapop weeped, kicking the ground. He was no longer sad, no. He was mad at the world. Just like Dally. Dallas had already left. Despite it all he loves Mary, too. Just not the way Soda and I love her. The police came and put her body in a bag and the medics carried her away. I wanted to follow them, but my legs wouldn't move. I just remained on my knees crying. "My sister! I didn't know her that long but we're twins! We were suppose to live and grow up together and swap places now and then like we did that once to fool Johnny and Pony! She's not dead!" Bridget screamed, running home. "Not you, too!" Ponyboy screeched, chasing after her. Soon enough it was just Soda and I. Just being there in silence. Then I thought about what just happened. "Soda?" I whispered, scared as I use to be. My voice came out a shaking whisper. "Yes?" He asked, his voice sounding like a kid who'd just been crying. However that'd make since, since we are still kids. He and I are only 16. But May was only 15. I thought. Shut up! Shut up! Why can't I be thoughtless? "Why'd the cops carry her away in a body bag? They only do that in murder cases." I asked, sounding like a kid myself now.

His face was blank for a moment, deep in thought. Then worried. Then scared. Then flaming with anger. "Someone was waiting for her. Waiting to kill her." Sodapop squeaked, tears welling up in his eyes again. Tears welled up in my eyes, too. However, this time we had tears of anger. "We gotta find out who killed her, man! And Johnny.... Look, I'm sorry. I've known from the start that she's yours but.... She's just so kind, sweet and fragile like a rose. I just wanted to have her. Get in on some true love." Sodapop said, looking down, nervous, scared, and angry all at once. I couldn't tell you if he was bad at him or the driver of the truck, no, but I can tell you I've never seen him like this ever before.

Mary's POV.

I stopped at the golden gates, wondering how to open them. I heard someone cough, trying to get my attention. I heard the person again. "Is someone there?" I asked, before I saw a golden desk with a red headed angel sitting behind it, filling out paperwork. "Hello, I've been expecting you." She said quickly, not looking up from her papers. "I think I know who you are but just to make sure, what's your name?" She asked me, looking up once then getting in a file cabinet. "I-I'm Mary Faith Lea." I answered, scared to death... Wait... I'm already dead. "Oh, yes. Killed by your own father; what a shame. Your true love is Johnny Cade and you have the gift of singing. You're a greaser as you've always been. However, the Lord didn't mark your death day as today. It looks like your just here temporally." She informed me, making me thankful and confused. "Since you're only here temporally let me see how long you'll stay before someone brings you back to life. Well before God sends you back giving some doctor the credit." She declared, swiftly before muttering things as she called the Lord I'm guessing. "Hi, Jesus, I want to know what you and your precious father want me to do with Mary Faith Lea?" She asked more than said. "Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Of course father but.... Ok." She had her conversation, praising him all the while. When she hung up she even said "amen" instead of "goodbye".

"You're gonna be here for a few days therefore I'll give you a room next to the gate. Time works different here, so if a day here feels like it's taking forever that's because a day here is two days on Earth. You'll be here two days, so 4 Earth days." She told me, before giving me white clothe to change in to each day, including today. "Put these on. Have a heavenly day!" She squeaked, suddenly happy and excited. "Thanks, but may I visit with one of your angels?" I asked, before I walked away. "I could ask... Why? Which one?" She asked me, curiously. "Kathy Faith Lea." I asked, my voice shaking at my own words. "Oh, yes. She's been asking non-stop about you since she arrived. Killer thing is, eventually we had to stop answering for the fact that if we told her the truth she'd be sad. You know that heaven is a happy place where no tear falls. That includes hers." She answered, happy then sad. "I'll go get her. She'll be happy to see you."

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