And more new people?

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"Hey, since Mary's coming; do you think I can invite Bridget?" Ponyboy asked, looking down at his lap. "Sure, why not, I mean we've already got Mary let's add another girl." Dallas said, rolling his eyes before heading out the door. "Don't mind him, he's just mad, 'cause Sylvia was two timing him again." Johnny said, climbing outta the booth as well. "I'm actually gonna go shopping for some other clothe. You guys wanna come with?" I asked, looking out the window at the snow. "Sure, we don't have nothing better to do." Pony said, as we walked out of the Dingo.

"So, do you go to school?" Pony asked as we walked down the side walks of Tulsa Oklahoma. "I did before my mom died, then my dad forced me to drop out. However I'm smarter than most high school graduates so, I could get a job." I said, as they studied my facial figures, as if the new fallen snow had changed them. "Oh... If it weren't for Ponyboy over here, I would've dropped out too; but since Soda dropped out to help with the bills, someone has to be there for him." Johnny said, as Pony shoved him playfully. I watched them start to wrestle around in the snow and then had a evil genius idea. I took some snow in my and and made sure they didn't see. "Guys look, a soc!" I screamed, acting like a soc was about to jump out of the blue. "Where?" Johnny asked turning white as the snow around him. "Right there." I said, throwing the snow ball so it hit him, directly in the face. Pony burst out laughing until I threw one at him too. It turned into, an all out snow war.

After about an hour of messing in the snow we stepped into the clothe store and found some my size. Well what my farther considered my size. My father bought me clothe that fit skin right and showed of every curve, in a sexy way. "May, I hate to tell you thus but, it's below freezing out there and you have tank tops." Johnny said, observing the stack of clothe I'd brought to show the boys.

"Hey! Pony!" A girl voice shouted from across the store. Next thing I know a girl with long black hair (like mine) and brown eyes came sprinting to us. "Hey, Bridget!" Ponyboy said, scooping her up in a hug and holding her there for quite some time. I stood there beside Johnny, with a confused expression on my face. "That's Pony's crush, Bridget. She's the one who's coming to the movie with us. He said he wants to ask her to be his girl there." Johnny whispered to me, saving me from an awkward moment. "Oh, ok." I said, before disappearing in the racks and finding some long sleeve and button up shirts.

We walked out of the store with seven new winter outfits, all long sleeves and button ups since Johnny wouldn't let me freeze to death. "So, how long have you known Ponyboy?" I asked ,Bridget trying to start a conversation. "For a few years. I'm hoping he asks me to be his girl soon, but I don't know if he feels the same." She said, looking down while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm sure he does... In fact I'm almost positive." I said, not wanting to spoil the surprise . "Awe thanks. I see Johnny sure has a smile for you. This is the happiest I've seen him in years, especially after those socs beat him so bad." She said, hurt showing in her eyes on the last part.

After a few seconds her words sunk in. Johnny had been beaten? I mean, he told me about his parents and all, but the socs got him too?!? Sweet little Johnny. I thought as I looked away, trying to hide the fact he's on my mind. "I know." She said, as if she'd been in my mind. "None of us can believe it, but that's how our greaser life's work. Besides with how much hurt you got from that, seems like you're sweet on him, as he is on you." She said, playfully shoving me. "I don't believe in love and all that." I said, shooing the idea of his lips on mine, clear out of my head. "Ok, but remember Johnny has also had it rough, so if your looking for someone who won't hurt you, he's your man." She said, making me blush.

"Hey, Bridget, we're going to the nightly double with Dally; you wanna come with?" Pony asked, ruining a hands through his hair nervously. "Yes, I'd love to." She said, turning the same shade of pink I am. "We better go get ready, it starts in an hour." I said, as we stepped into the Curtis house. "Yea, guess your right." She said, as Pony and Johnny sat on the couch to watch some Mickey mouse.

"Hey ,Ponyboy, do you mind if we use yours and Soda's room?" Bridget asked, grabbing four Pepsi's from the fridge and hands one to each of us. "Sure go ahead." Pony said. Bridget also bought some outfits from the clothing store we met at, so we both had outfits to change into. We went in Pony and Soda's room and locked the door, before tearing into the bags. I pulled out a purple mini skirt with black tights and a long sleeved, purple shirt that had a piece of black lace that you tied behind you're back, that ran under you're bust. She pulled out almost the same outfit, but in red. We seriously looked like sisters, but who knows with my family. The funny thing is we both had black boots, so we where almost matching completely. I applied some sparkly lip gloss and she found some red lip stick that matched her clothe and put that on. I didn't think she needed any make up, since she's so pretty without, but I guess people like to look different some times. I don't have much room to talk since I wear red and bright pink lip stick sometimes just for the heck of it also. "I love your outfit." We both said in unison. "Thank you!" We both said, again in unison. The freaky part was, we also sound alike. Strange right? "You two ready?" Pony asked through the door as I pulled my black hair up in a ponytail and put a little bit of grease on top, just to keep my bangs up, with the rest of my hair. "Yes, now we are!" I shouted, back out the door before opening it.

"So, what do you think?" Bridget asked, walking a circle around Ponyboy. "I think you look beautiful, as always." Pony said, causing her to blush a bright shade of pink. "Hey, you guys ready?" Dally asked, as he strolled though the door. "Yea, let's go." Johnny said, as we all walked back out the door.

A/N: Omg, I only have nights and early morning to work on my books, unless daddy takes a nap. Yes it's that bad, but after spending a week with my momma Jeri-(that's what I call my biological mom since I call my Nana and Pawpaw mom and dad, since I live with them.) Like I was saying after spending a week at momma Jeri's, without the substance. I can't live without, I came home and my daddy, wheel chair and all, bought me hair spray. Omg I was so happy. Tomorrow if I don't wear my hair down I'm going to use hair spray and put my hair in a ponytail. Lol there's a reason all my friends say I'm a greaser, and not just 'cause I act and talk like one lol. Also sorry for the typos but my phone hates me lol. Well now that I've bored you with my life, I'll let you go now lol. TTYLXOX Love, Sweetpea.

Safe and sound. A  Johnny Cade love story/ outsider fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now