Home sweet home

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Mary's POV

A few weeks later I got to come home with four weeks of physical therapy ahead of me. Honestly I couldn't of been more relieved to be back in the chocolate smelling home of the Curtis's, and in mine and Johnny's room in the attic. He pulled me close to him once he woke up, we had got home really late that night at two A.M.

"Still feeling good?" He mumbled against my neck, keeping me pressed against him. "Yeah, a lot." My voice came out chirpy, only half lying. Compared to the weeks previous, I felt fabulous! "Are you sure?" His voice told me he didn't believe me, which was probably a good thing considering the excruciating yet endurable leg pain from a trapped nerve that PT will help.

"Just my leg, babe." I sighed, sitting up as he nodded mentally documenting everything I have to say. The whole gang had told me how worried he was. "Don't worry, really. I'll be ok." I said before kissing his lips gently. Johnny kissed back lovingly yet only half way meaning it. He wanted to protest more than anything but he knew better. I forced him to let the kiss linger a little longer before pulling away. "Fine," he sighed, before continuing his statement, "I guess I believe you."

A playful pout crossed my lips, as I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "You better believe me, Mr.Cade." I stated matter-of-factly, making him laugh. "Of course, May. How could I not?" He replied the same way, making me giggle.

Once my giggles died down a sudden silence fell upon us. It wasn't awkward, or like a dying, bored love at all. It was reconnecting. Johnnycake played with my hair gently, smiling softly as I wiggled closer to him. We gazed into each other's eyes, speaking without speaking a language of love only we knew. A little paradise that felt like floating through outer space with just the two of us. It was amazing.

"I love you so much." He finally stated, after about thirty minuets of our silent conversation. "I never want you to do something crazy like try to run off again, ok?" He continued, kissing my forehead. "I know, Johnnycake.. It won't ever happen again, and I mean it. I love you more than life it's self. I'll love you for forever and when forever is through, I'll look at you and my heart will beat the way it does each time we meet." I whispered, love shining in my eyes as well as the love gleaming throughout the room. Everything in our world is perfect. Nothing could ever change that anymore. Not in my mind at least.

Soda's POV

Weeks seemed to crawl by, without me speaking with Mary again. Sure, it's her first day home but I knew if I said one word I'd be trapped again. I couldn't do that. I couldn't hurt her and I couldn't hurt Johnny. I just have to leave them be. This was like losing Sandy all over again. Suddenly a jingle at the door made me jump, a blonde holding a baby in a blue blanket walked inside.

"May I help you?" I mumbled, not bothering to look at who it was. The woman smiled a oh-so-familiar smile, offering me the kid that looked nothing like me or the woman, perhaps had some of Curly Shepard's looks. "Yes, Sodapop you can. Hold our baby."

I chocked on my spit, jumping back. Sure I had sex a few times throughout my life but that was years ago and this baby was months old. I gave the woman a second look and felt my heart shatter to the ground, as my jaw dropped. As if my year couldn't of got any worse.

A/N: I'm crawling out of writers block! Yes! I have so many ideas it's like a rainbow streaming from my brains! A double rainbow! No.... TRIPLE!!! Anyways I love all of you patient readers, thank you for hanging in here. I keep updating late and it's wrong and I just can't ever seem to get 'em out quick enough but I didn't make it past choir area TMEA auditions so I have nothing else to do now but write for my favorite people. <3 <3 <3 TTYLXOX, Love, Sweetpea!

Safe and sound. A  Johnny Cade love story/ outsider fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now