Who are these people?

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A/N: Ok, so I got the courage to pull out the old key board. Ok so for a while I was in a funk, but now I'm half outta it, so please no mean comments. Plus last night with all that's on my mind I was up ALL NIGHT. OMG I'm dead on my feet but I'm updating for all you lovely readers and followers. BTW all you who read Never to young..... Guess what? I'm continuing it! IKR so exciting...... What nothing lol worth a try, well I'm tired, listening to Taylor Swift and have my book in front of me so hopefully no one will get left out... Well that's all from me. :) Love, Sweetpea!


I looked into his  dark brown, almost black eyes, for some odd reason feeling something I've never felt before. I had butterflies in my stomach and feel sparks at his touch. I use to dream about this feeling, but don't even remember what it's called now.

He looked into my blue eyes and worry filled his eyes. Probably from me staring at him for so long. "I'm sorry." I said looking down. "It's fine.... The one who should be apologizing is me. You probably wanna stand on your own two feet." He said, adding a small chuckle at the end. He slowly set me down on the couch, next to old irritated voice.

"Guys, I mean this  in the nicest way possible, and I hate to even bring it up; since y'all where so kind as to bring me here. But... Who are y'all?" I said, blushing at the stupid question I'd just asked. "I'm Johnny and this is my gang." He said pointing to each one and giving them a name. "See that's Ponyboy, he's my buddy. Then there's Dallas, right next to you. That's Darry, Steve, Soda, and Two-Bit." He finished, pointing to a guy in a mickey mouse shirt. "Ok, so now that you know who we are; would you mind telling us who you are?" Darry asked, taking a slight step closer to me.

They where treating me like a stray animal and I felt like one too. You see I'm as shy as shy gets and that's pretty shy. "My names Mary.... But I go by May, since that's when I was born." I said, staring at my lap. "Well, can we call you mouse girl?" Two-Bit asked, cracking a cartoon like grin. "Two-Bit! Now why would we wanna call a nice girl, like her, mouse girl?" Johnny asked, as if scolding Two-Bit. "Well, she is pretty darn quiet." Dallas said pointing out my shaky, soft spoken voice. "Let up guys, now she's had a ruff night, and I'm not letting y'all go out there in the storm so all you guys are staying here. Now since Mary's the only girl, she gets the couch." Darry said, going somewhere down the hall and then reappearing with a mountain of pillows and blankets. "I'm a girl." Two-Bit said, screwing the stringy end off of the mop and placing it on his head. "No your not." Steve said, stealing it and placing it on his head. "I am." He stated, sticking his tong out.

"Nock it off." Soda said, grabbing a pillow and whacking Steve with it. It turned into a full, blown out pillow fight. The only people not participating in it was Darry, Johnny and I. Johnny and I, just kept looking at each other. "Hey, Darry." I whispered, barely quieter than my normal voice. "Yes." He said, not looking away from the fight.  "Are you sure it's ok for me to stay here?" I asked. The question threw him off so bad, he looked away from the fight. "Heavens yes. Look, you met the boys; your a part of the gang now. Also the doors always open. Stay here as long as you want to." He said, patting me on the back, a way a father would a son when he's done good. However I've only seen that happen in the movies, but movies seem like the only way to have a perfect life... Well at least for a few hours.

"Hey, time to break it up, Pony off to bed... You too Soda." Darry said as he herded them to what I'd guess was their room. "So is Darry their dad?" I asked Johnny, refuring to Ponyboy and Sodapop. "No, older brother. Their parents died a while ago." He informed me, sorrow filling his eyes. "Oh, I'm  sorry. I understand my mom died a year ago. Now it's just me and my abusive dad." I said. Then he did something I would've never seen coming; he hugged me. His body was nice and warm, where mine remained cold as the snow. "I'm sorry. Want me to help you make the couch all comfy?" He asked grabbing fluffy pillow and quilt. "If you wish." I said, looking threw my bangs, that I typically keep combed behind my ear. "Well let's get to it then." He said, smiling and brushing my bangs back with his free hand.

He placed the  pillow and motioned for me to climb in. I did as told and he pulled the quilt over me. I'm being tucked in... By a BOY?!? I thought as I pulled the quilt closer to me. "Goodnight, May." He said, as he made his pallet next to the couch, and cutting off the lights. I looked around, at the four sleeping men and thought to myself: Why can't my real family work this way? I went to sleep, questioning if I love you was really something people just said. However I knew I'd wake up to the decision that it was... If t wasn't maybe my mom would still be alive today.

A/N: Ok, there you go, chapter two of safe and sound. Hope y'all like it. Positive comments might help, but I don't wanna force anything on anyone. So I'll try and update later today, but no promises lol. Well that's it from me. TTYLXOX Love, Sweetpea.

Safe and sound. A  Johnny Cade love story/ outsider fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now