Walls and bounderies.

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I woke up to Johnny tightening his grip on me. "Johnny, you've just been laying there for hours. I think she'll be able to find you if you simply, walk to the kitchen to eat some breakfast." Steve said, as I listened to Johnny's heart beat. "No, I want to stay here, to keep her warm." Johnny said, brushing a piece of hair out of my face, with his finger. "Johnny, it's 12:00 time for lunch, but we can't go to lunch until you move." Darry said, putting his coat on. "Come on, you skipped breakfast; you gotta go to lunch." Ponyboy pleaded. I made him skip breakfast? I feel so guilty. I thought, wondering why he'd do that. It couldn't be that he loved me. Love is something that happens in movies and books; not reality. "Y'all go on, we'll meet y'all at the Dingo, after  she wakes up." Johnny said, compromising with them. "Fine." Darry agreed, heading out the door with the rest of the gang.

"My precious little Mary." Johnny said, securing his arms around me again. I slowly opened my eyes, taking in the non-changing environment. "Mary? You up?" Johnny asked, sitting up, as I did the same. "Yea, I'm up. Do I need to leave?" I asked pulling my blue jean jacket closer to my body once more. I was still wearing the same clothe from yesterday; but apparently everyone other than the Curtis brothers are doing the same.  Johnny still had his blue jeans and black shirt from yesterday and the funny part was; he has a blue jean jacket too! "Nice jacket." I told him, giggling at the end. "You too." He said, buttoning up his jacket. I was wearing blue jeans with a purple shirt with of course a blue jean jacket. (A/N: Yea, I keep forgetting if I already told you what she was wearing or not.) "Oh, we gotta go meet the gang at the Dingo. That is if you want to go." He said, looking down and blushing. "Yea, I'll go. But like I said, do I gotta leave?" I repeated. "No, besides if you did have to go, I'd go with you."  He said, making me laugh.

I didn't understand the feelings I was feeling for him, it was all breaking my walls and boundaries I've built up for years and years of receiving beatings. Each wall was a rule I'd made strict, for myself. The strongest and tallest wall around my heart is: Don't fall in love.  All love is, is a ticket to hurt.  The unbelievable part was, Johnny was slowly knocking bricks out of it, tearing it down; as if to say, 'It's ok to fall in love, I wont hurt you.' I knew it wasn't true though. However if it's not true, why do I let it get to me. "You ready to go?" Johnny's loving voice, interrupted my thoughts. "Yea, lets go." I said, as we walked out into the still falling snow. My black boots sank deeper with every step I took, snow crunching under our feet, up to our ankles. I smiled to myself at the thought of Johnny and I laying in the snow... What am I thinking?!? Mary Faith Lea! Quit thinking like that! "So, if I may ask; why where you at the lot last night?" Johnny asked, once more breaking my mental argument. "Oh, my dad is very abusive. I blame him for the death of my mom. It's just after my mom died my dad started beating me twice as hard and.... And last night he smacked me across the face harder than ever and I ran out of the door." I said, sounding like a three year old rather than a 15 year old. "I'm sorry.... My old man hits me too and my mother remains drunk; the lot is where I go as well. How come I've never seen you there?" He asked, stopping and pulling out a smoke. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I bet it's nice having a gang and all. They seem to fill the holes that your parents have left." I said, looking at my feet.

"Yea, they fill most of the holes, but there is one hole still there. I hope soon you'll be all patched up. You know, since we found you and you have a rough past you're a part of the gang too. Besides, greasers stick together." He said, smiling at the end. His smile is kind and bright, as if it could light up a room when he walked in. "I am? You mean I'm wanted some where?" I asked, astounded by this new feeling of being wanted. "Yes, Darry loves you, I love you, and Dallas accepts you. Your not a soc so I see no problem." He said, holding the pack to me.  "No thanks, not right now." I said, just taking in the feeling of being wanted. "Also Two-Bit's happy since he has a new friend and Ponyboy has someone to take to the library, and Soda and Steve'll like having some one new to hang out with at the DX. See, we all love you and want you in the gang." Johnny explained further. "Wow, I've never been wanted; it feels good."  I said, laughing. "Well your wanted by me." He said, pulling me into a hug before we continued to the Dingo.

Once we got there we sat with the gang and made small talk as we ate. "So, when's the wedding?" Two-Bit asked, causing the gang to erupt with laughter. "Two-Bit, for the last time  we're not getting married!" Johnny said, as I sunk down in my chair. "Ok, but remember; to live together is a sin." Two-Bit said, making Seve fall out of the booth laughing; soon followed by Soda. I admit it, even I laughed at that one. "Ok, wise crackers, Soda, Steve and I gotta go to work. See y'all at the house later." Darry said, heading back out the door into the truck followed by Soda and Steve. After they left Dally spoke up. "I'm going to Buck's, maybe head to the nightly double later. Y'all wanna go?" He asked, looking mainly at Pony and Johnny. "Sure, Johnny and I will go." Ponyboy said, looking at Johnny. "What about you Mary?" Johnny asked, grabbing my hand from under the table. The movement caught me off guard, making my answer go somewhere else in mind. "Well?" Dally said, after a few seconds of silence. "Oh.... Yea." I said, looking at Johnny with a smile.

A/N: Ok sorry that I haven't updated as soon as I hoped I would; but my dad's back is doing something bad. So I'll try to update later and most likely will, but if I don't please don't hate me. I hope I can I love writing especially for you guys who are always so kind in y'alls comments and everything else... So like I said I'll probably update later but if I don't please don't hate me. Kk, that's all from me. Love, Sweetpea.

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