Chapter 3

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Yeah, well, that whole ignoring-Zyler-forever plan failed after about five minutes. Turned out, he was in the same math class as me, which i figured out after he walked in a couple minutes after i did. I guess, he had been lost and he was wandering the hallways when i crashed into him. But, he eventually figured it out, because here he was, sitting right next to me, with his amused smile on his face. So far, i'd seen all of four expressions on his face: confusion, anger, amusement, and pain. And, so far, i had been the cause of all of them. I suppose i just stir up a bunch of emotions in people. It's kind of a talent.

When he first walked in, i could already tell he was going to be the new "target" for all of the girls. As soon as he was in the door, the girls in my math class fell silent, then moments later, the room was filled with the hissing of their whispers. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes i was ashamed to be a girl. How could they all go so crazy over a boy, without even actually know him? You mean like you did? the thought echoed in my mind. No. i'm not crazy about him. I'm  just attracted to him. Fine, i admit I'm attracted to him, but that's all. Nothing more. Anyway, it was now going to be the majority of the girls' goal to date Zyler. All because he was hot, obviously hedidn't have much of a personality.

Thankfully, i wasn't alone in this class. My best friend, Aubrey, was sitting on my other side. Although i hate to admit it, she had been one of the girls swooning over Zyler. She also kept glancing at him, looking right past me. Unfortunately for me, when Aubrey focused on a boy, that's all she saw. And usually, she was all the boys saw. She was absolutely beautiful. She had a tiny nose and bright emerald green eyes. They were almond shaped, and many boys called them, "mysterious". She had bleach blond wavy hair, that went to her mid-back. She was thin, but curvy. I didn't really envy her, i just admired her.

The whole math class i was stifling the urge to roll my eyes and sigh. Every single girl in the room had glanced at Zyler at least twice since he had arrived. Poor guy, he was going to get hounded by girls. Actually now that i think about it, he will probably enjoy it. He seems like a player, so he'll like all of the attention. When the bell rang to leave, I stood from my seat without glancing sideways at him, and speed walked out of the room. i learned my lesson about running in school hallways. Never again.

College Algebra seemed like it was going to be an easy class i thought, as Aubrey and I walked to our locker (which coincidentally were across from each other.) The teacher, Mr. Price, seemed a bit boring and old, but he seemed to explain things well and in simple terms. I really hoped he would make math easy for me.

"Did you see him? Oh em gee, he is gorgeous!" Aubrey squealed as we exited the classroom, and Zyler was out of hearing range.

"Of course i saw him Aub. He was sitting right next to me." I said, rolling my eyes. Sometimes she acted too girly for my tastes, but she was still my closest friend.

She smiled at me and waggled her eyebrows. I groaned, knowing that she was going to start asking me a bunch of questions about him. Apparently, she assumed that since i sat next to the guy, i knew every freakin' detail about his life. Truth was, i didn't even know his last name.

"So, what's he like? Is he funny, nice, smart? What does he smell like?" She bombarded me with questions, as we turned right.

"Seriously? Did you just ask me how he smells? Aub that is so creepy!" I laughed, giving her a playful shove. She laughed too, but i knew she still wanted me to answer. She looked at me expectantly. I sighed in defeat and spoke, "Okay, truth is, he seems like a jerk. I don't really know anything about him, but that's just the vibe i got."

Aubrey wrinkled her nose and let her shoulders sag a little. Her disappointment lasted all of about three second, then she perked up.

"Maybe you just got the wrong vibe! After all, you didn't really talk to him did you? You just sat by him, being all anti-social and such." We were now approaching our lockers, hers on the right wall, mine on the left. I looked over my shoulder at her, a playful glare on my face.

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