Chapter 9

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"Oh my gosh. Seriously Aub, you're reading way too far into this. It's just a stupid jacket!" I growled as we all walked towards our lockers.

I had spent the last ten minutes trying to convince my friends that i was wearing his jacket because i forgot mine. It was probably pointless to even try explaining, since i could practically see my explanation going in one ear and out the other. They all ignored my protests, and continued to chat excitedly about my new relationship status.

"They can be called Zaney!" Bailey blurted, thinking of couple names. I rolled my eyes. Were they serious right now? It was just a jacket!

"Or Chyler!" Shay offered, laughing. They were enjoying this way too much.

When we approached the intersection of hallways, Bailey and Shay waved goodbye and turned right. Aubrey and I continued going straight. The whole way there she wouldn't stop talking about the jacket. The bell that signified five minutes before class  rang just as we reached our lockers. The previously deserted hallway soon filled up with students, heading towards their lockers and classes. I opened my locker, and grabbed my things quickly, not wanting to get caught in the crowd.

I looked back, searching for Aubrey, but i couldn't see her. I turned back to my locker about to shut it, when i realized Aubrey was right next to me, looking intensely at  the my locker door. I laughed at her, figuring she was just looking in the mirror that was hanging there. She looked fine, yet her hand was moving furiously trying to fix her makeup.

"Okay, Aub, you look fine! I have to close my locker now." I shook my head and nudged her. She looked over her shoulder and grinned mischieveously at me. My laughing suddenly died down, and my smile faltered. I looked at her accusingly. She stepped away from my locker, cracking up laughing. I looked at my locker door. Oh. My. Gosh.

"Aubrey i can't belie-" I yelled, then stopped after turning to where i thought she was standing, and realizing she wasn't there. I spun my head from side to side looking for her. Where'd she go? She was just here! I asked myself. I stood on my tippy-toes, looking around the hallway for her and finally spotted her just as she turned the corner, still cracking up. Man, she was fast. She was also  the third person to laugh at me today, and it was getting really old.

I sighed, turning back to my locker door, and stared at it. Instead of looking in the mirror and fixing her makeup like i thought she was doing, Aubrey had been writing in sharpie on my locker. Just wait, I thought as i stared at the words, you're gonna wish you never did that Aubrey. I smiled to myself.

Another bell rang, reminding me that I had two minutes to get to History. And there was no way i was going to be late for a class with Mrs. Jones. She already hated me enough. One little job loss, and she automatically hates me? I thought innocently. I mean, sure, it had been because of me, and okay yeah, it was my parents who made sure she was fired, but still.. I was six! I didn't know what was going on, and plus she got another job didn't she? Unless she's homeless, jobless, and living behind Walmart eating apple cores, she has no right to hold a grudge against me.

I sighed again and closed my locker. i caught one last glimpse of the the bright red words Aubrey wrote: Zyler + Chaney = Love. Oh, and she drew a heart around it just to emphasize the point. How kind. It was going to suck scrubbing it off. Maybe i would just force Aubrey to do it, since she was the one to put it on there.

 I adjusted my books, and headed off towards my awful first period, wishing that it was already over. Luckily, i made it in the classroom and to my seat before the bell rang, but barely. I made sure to sit in the back again, hoping to blend in and be forgotten.

Soon, Mrs. Jones took the attendance, stopping to glare at me when my name came up. If you asked me, i thought she was acting really immature. I mean, seriously, it's not like we're some highschool enemies. She needed to grow up and get over it.

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