Chapter 15

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As soon as i walked back into the cafeteria, i was bombarded by my friends. Of course. Aubrey, Bailey, and Shay ran over to me smiling giant smiles. I rolled my eyes, already knowing what they were going to ask and what was running through their heads.

"What the hell just happened?!" Aubrey asked when she was a few feet from me. She slowed to a stop right in front of me, closely followed by the other two. I felt like i was some celebrity. The fact that pretty much everyone in the cafeteria was starring at me only added to that feeling. God, i hated attention. I'm pretty sure my face was bright red.

"There was a fight. I stopped it." I shrugged, hoping they would just let it go. I knew that would never happen. Aubrey huffed, while Bailey and Shay rolled their eyes.

"Okay Chain. Let me rephrase the question. Why the hell were two boys just fighting because of you?" Aubrey said slowly. She was acting like she was talking to a five year old. Sure, i was acting pretty immature with the whole evading-the-question thing but still, i wasn't dumb.

"Uh, well you know, because...." I trailed off, unsure how to explain what had just happened. I couldn't really explain it, nor did i want to. Well, not right now at least. Maybe I should just have them sleepover so that i can explain it all? Sure why not.

"Listen guys, it's kind of hard to explain right now. So, do you guys just want to sleep over at my house tonight?" I asked them.

"On a school night?" Shay questioned. Aubrey gave her an are-you-kidding-me look, as did Bailey.

"What are we Shay, five years old? I think that we're perfectly capable of having a sleepover and being plenty rested for school." Bailey said, rolling her eyes. Shay glared at her, but then broke into a smile. They all turned to look at me, with the same 'i'm there' expression. It was actually a bit creepy. I cringed a bit, then smiled back at them.

"So, we're on?" I confirmed.

"Hell yes." Aubrey shouted. A few people looked over, and i felt myself bush in embarrassment. Aubrey, of course, didn't even notice.

"Yep." Bailey nodded.

Shay hesitated before answering, "I have to check with my parents, but i'm sure i can make it." She smiled. Just then, the bell rang. Dang, no lunch for me today. I frowned a bit as all of the students began piling out of the cafeteria. I needed food! I'm one of those people that eats whenever i can, and i eat a lot. There was almost no chance that i would make it throught the rest of the day without food! Anything! I would even eat a freaking nasty bowl of broccoli right now. For me, that's desperate.

"Okay guys, sounds good." I said, then turned to Bailey. "Bail, i'm going to go find something to snack on real quick. I'll meet you in drama."Bailey nodded and waved, the other said bye too, then they all walked away. I, on the other hand, stood there wondering where i could get food. Vending machine, you idiot. I thought. I grabbed a dollar from my wallet, and quickly headed towards the snack machine. Maybe if i hurried i could make it to drama before the late bell. I exited the cafeteria, then headed for the hallway with the vending machines. Lucky for me it was close to where my drama class was.

"Chaney!" Someone shouted from behind me. I whirled around, not expecting someone to call my name. Unfortunately, when i turned, i saw a frantic looking Sean running towards me. He was pushing through people in the hall (none of them too happy about that) trying to get to me. I rolled my eyes, then continued walking. Seriously, if Sean thought that i wanted to talk to him, he was freaking delusional.

"Chaney just wait! Can we just talk?" Sean called to me, getting closer. He was only a few lockers away from me now, so i picked up my pace. I couldn't deal with his crap right now. Nor did i want to.

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