Chapter 11

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Saturday morning came way way too fast. There was now way i was ready for Aunt Jessie to leave, i needed at least another month, actually i would probably need another five months. At least my problems at school had died down.. well sort of. Zyler would hardly talk to me, Sean sat with me at lunch everyday, and Mrs. Jones and Janie were out to get me, but other than that nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

I had had to wake up at three o'clock this morning to say goodbye to Jessie. She was practically jumping up and down in excitement. I couldn't help but smile at her. Her dreams were finally coming true, and i was truely happy for her. I could deal with being alone.

"Do you want me to drive you Jess?" I offered. I had been offering all week, and she still refused to let me drive her. She kept saying it would be too inconvenient for me. Though, i kept reminding her that there wasn't anything better i could be doing at three in the morning, well, besides sleeping.

 There was no way i would be sleeping for a while though, i hated being by myself. My imagination was overly wild, so i always felt like someone was in my house, or some monster was in my bed just waiting to grab my foot when i went to bed. That's why whenever i go to bed, i run full speed from the hallway, and make a giant leap onto my bed when i'm about five feet away. It works pretty well. Except for one time, when i didn't put enough into my leap and hit the side of the bed. My shin was bruised pretty bad after that mishap. Oh, and the other time, when i landed on my bed a bit too aggressively, and it literally collapsed under me. My parents weren't too happy when they ran up the stairs and discovered my broken bed frame. But other than those times... the run and leap method worked well.

"No sweetie, i already have a cab waiting, but thank you." She said, bringing me into a tight hug. I grasped her hard, never wanting to let go. All to soon, the hug ended, and before i knew it she ws gone. She waved at me as she the cab drove away, but i could hardly see in the dark.

When i couldn't see the cab anymore, i turned and walked back inside and to the kitchen. The clock over the stove said that it was three-twenty in the morning. Great, i just had to kill about eleven hours before i went to the library to do my English essay with Zyler. What to do?

I leaned against the counter and tapped my fingers against it, thinking. I looked around the kitchen, trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my morning, since i wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. My eyes stopped scanning once i saw the bag of chocolate chips on the counter. Ding ding ding! We have a winner. It was never too earlier to make cookies.

Before i got out the supplies to make the cookies, i ran around the house turning on every light, and the main T.V. set. Oh, and when i say run, i literally mean that i sprinted through the rooms turning on the lights to illuminate the creepy darkness. I couldn't believe that i was up before the sun. That just wasn't normal, especially for me. Last night i only got about six hours of sleep. Six hours! Not acceptable. I seriously needed to catch up on my sleep tonight, or else i would probably fall asleep in class on Monday.

Once the house was all lit up, i returned to the kitchen. By the time i got all of the ingredients out, and all the supplies i would need, it was almost four o'clock. Man, time flies when you're creeped out in your house all alone in the early morning.

While making the dough, i made a huge mess. The whole counter was white with flour, not to mention half of my body. I dont know exactly how it had happened, but sometime when i was pouring in three cups of flour, i lost control of one and it flew into the air, landing on me. When i had tried to recover the cup in mid-air, i swung my arm, missing by a long-shot, but managing to hit the bag of flour on the counter, tipping it over and making white powder fly everywhere. I didn't even have the energy to be upset, instead i just laughed at myself and continued with the recipe. Now though, since the cookies were cooking in the oven, i figured it was time to clean up.

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