Chapter 10

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Lunch was pretty uneventful. Except, oh yeah, Sean sat with me. He had been next to me in the food line again, and this time after we got our spaghetti and meatballs(it was the special today) we walked out together again. But, this time, instead of going to sit with his friends, like he had yesterday, he kept walking with me to my table. I didn't actually think he would stay, but once he pulled up a chair and sat down next to me, i was filled with excitement.

 Did this mean he liked me? i thought eagerly. I quickly scolded myself though, for being so girly and acting as if my world depended in him being interested in me. Like i cared that much. No, i was just excited that he was talking to me. Apparently, he didn't think something was going on between me and Zyler, that, or he didn't care. He hadn't even mentioned anything about it since he had walked up behind me in the lunch line and started talking with me. Aubrey probably would have called it flirting, but that was a bit hard to believe.

So, Aubrey, Bailey, Shay, Sean, and I sat, talked, laughed, and ate during lunch. It was actually really fun, and Sean got along really well with my friends. I had no idea what the actually thought about him, but Bailey and Shay seemed to really like him. Aubrey on the other hand, had a fake smile on her face the whole time, which would look genuine to someone that hadn't known her since second She kept looking at me with a look that was really hard to read, but she seemed seriously upset about something. I gave her a questioning look. She slowly shakes her head, pulls out her phone and writes a really short message. Well, it must not be that big of deal since she wasn't writing me a novel via text.

A few seconds later, my phone buzzed. Bailey, Shay, Sean, and Aubrey were all talking about the drama teacher Mr. Niccoli, well more like making fun of him. Poor guy, but then again, he had to know that his looks weren't exactly modern. Anyway, i pulled out my phone, and flipped it open. I had one text from Aubrey, and when i read it i wanted to roll my eyes. All it said was: I'm team Zyler.

. I gave her a what-the-hell look, and closed my phone, not even bothering to respond. This wasn't one of her freakin' Twilight books. There were no teams. I wasn't even sure one guy was interested in me, let alone two. Not to mention both of them were pretty darn popular at this school, and could do a lot better that little ol' me.

For the rest of lunch, i chatted with my friends and Sean, ignoring Aubrey and her moping. She was being ridiculous. When the bell rang, letting us know that lunch was over,we all stood and said our goodbyes. Sean gave me a wink before he turned to walk with his friends to his next class. What was up with him and his winks? What the crap did they even mean!? Luckily, before i had time to respond, he was gone. I walked with Bailey to drama, completely oblivious to whatever she was talking to me about. I was too absorbed in my own thoughts, trying to determine what on earth that wink meant.

I tried to pay attention to Mr. Niccolli once we finally got to drama. He was saying something about a monologue that would have to be performed in front of the class. Awesome. I hated public speaking, and i sucked at it too. I also sucked at memorizing things, so this was not going to be an easy mission. I was probably just going to end up embarrassing myself or falling off the stage. Neither of which would surprise me. I calmed down a bit after the teacher told us that we had a month to practice and memorize our lines. Maybe I could do it if i had four weeks to work on it. Actually, probably not. Something would go wrong, it always did.

After drama class, i headed to English, not looking forward to seeing the overly dramatic Zyler. I was even less excited about the fact that we were going to have to write a paper about each others' lives. The idea of him knowing what was going on in my life scared the crap out of me. Though, i must admit i was a  little curious about his life. Why is he still in high school?i asked myself. Well, i'd find out sooner or later right?

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