Chapter 7

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"Chaney? Is that you?" My aunt Jessie asked as the front door slammed behind me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the dumb question. Who else would it be? And if it hadn't been me, and someone had walked into the house, did she really think they would say, "No, it's Bob, I'm here to rob your house and kill you."?

"Yeah, Aunt J. It's me." I sighed, and headed up the stairs. I needed to rest. I needed a break. And I needed to go hide under my covers until the school year was over.

I dragged my feet up the stairs, and went to my bedroom. I smiled slightly as i walked in and threw my backpack on the floor and slammed my door shut. The famiarness of my room always calmed me down. With the hardwood floors, the big open window with the window seat, the desk, oh and my oh-so-amazing bed. I walked over to my queen bed and flopped right on it. Literally, i just fell face first into the silky blue comforter, hands at my sides and legs straight. I looked like a plank.

I layed there for a couple of minutes, though it only felt like seconds, before Aunt Jessie knocked. She gave two quick knocks then opened the door. I didn't even bother looking up at her. I just kept my face against my bed and concentrated on taking deep breaths.

"Hey Chain! How was your first day?" She asked. She seemed so excited, like she was remembering her first day of senior year. Seeing as she had graduated from high school only eight years ago, she probably remembered vividly.

I turned my head to look at her, though my body remained nonmoving. I grimaced and respponded with, "I'd rather not talk about it."

She nodded, her smile fading instantly. I felt bad for Jessie sometimes. She was so young, and i'm sure that caring for a teenager was the last thing she wanted to do with her prime years of life. But, she still did i, and she did it well. Aunt J gave me space when she needed it, but she was always there if i needed her. She was strict, but she still let me have freedom. Not to mention she always kept the best food in the house. When my mom and dad were still alive, i had never been able to eat anything other than organic foods. But, when Aunt Jessie came to my families house to take care of me once they died, she filled the refriderator and pantry with heavenly foods. I remember when i ate my first Oreo, then my second, and before i knew it the pack of Oreos was gone. Whatever genius that had come up with making a chocolate sandwich filled with cream, deserved to be a billionaire in my opinion.

After about five more minutes, i decided that i needed food. i was pretty much always hungry. I knew that one day the amount of food i ate would make me gain about five-hundred pounds, but for now i was thin, and i ate whatever i wanted.

I thumped down the stairs, over exaggerating each step. I knew that as soon as i stepped into the kitchen Aunt J would start hounding me with questions. I sighed and stepped through the swinging door. I looked around, but J was nowhere in sight. Good.

I opened the fridge, hoping to find something sweet and sugary. I scanned each shelf until- jackpot. Behind the milk and last nights leftovers was an apple pie. Yum. Sometimes i just wanted to kiss Aunt J's feet especially when she baked. Even her cooking was good. As it should be, since she went to culinary school, and owned her own restaurant. Though, i still thought her baking was better. I never tell her that though, knowing her she would take it as an insult, and act like i had just told her that eating her food was like eating out of a toilet. She was a bit sensitive.

I shoved the items in front of the pie away, and grabbed it. I turned and set it on the counter, then opened a drawer and grabbed a fork. Then, i dug in. I didn't even bother using a plate, chances were i would finish the rest of it. There was only a fourth or so left.

Just as i took my first bite, Jessie walked in. She looked at the pie in front of me, then up at me. She had her usual i-can't-believe-you're-such-a-pig look on her face, but soon it changed to a look of guilt and sadness. Uh-oh. I slowly lowered my fork, and set it in the pie pan. I looked at her questioningly, while my insides all clenched in fear of bad news.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her hesitantly.

"Oh, Chain, i'm so sorry. But, do you remember me talking about opening a new restaurant back in my hometown? Well, it's happening! Which means that.. well, i'm going to have to leave for a while. I have to Chicago while they build it, so i can make sure everything goes well." She sighed, i was guessing because of the look on my face. I was vaguely aware that my jaw was hanging open so wide open i could fit my fist in it easily.

"We're moving?" I whispered, my heart almost stopping. I couldn't leave Aubrey or Shay or Bailey! They were the reason for my existence. Even more importantly, i couldn't leave this house. This was the house of my parents, i had grown up here, all of my memories were here. I couldn't leave.

I tried to blink back the tears, while my aunt responded, "No, no Chain! I said that i have to go. Not you! I know how much you have been through the past year, and i would never, ever, purposely put you through more. But, i do have to go. And, i may be gone for a while, probably two to three months. Unless, you don't think you can handle being alone. I know that you're seventeen, but if you aren't capable of being alone for that long, just say the word, and i'll end everything. I won't go if you don't want me to." She said smiling sweetly. But underneath, that smile, i saw her longing for my permission. She wanted this more than anything. It was her dream. So, I'll suck it up. i thought. Of course i would rather have her stay, but i want her to be happy. I'll let her go. I made the decision.

I smiled at her, trying to make it as real as possible.

"Are you seriously asking a teenager if she's okay with being home alone, without any supervision whatsoever?" I joked, and continued, "Of course i'm okay with you going Aunt Jessie! I'm so happy for you! It's what you've always wanted." I smiled at her again, and hoped she couldn't see through my false happiness. I wanted to cry at the thought of being alone for three months.

"When do you leave?" I asked, the question suddenly popping up in my mind. Please not soon, please no soon. My mind begged.

"Well... I have my first meeting next Wednesday. But i was hoping to get up there before that, and get all settled in. So, i was thinking about leaving on Saturday!" She squealed excitedly. I resisted my urge to burst into tears, knowing she was leaving in about five days. I also resisted my urge to laugh at her since she acting so teenagerish.

"Oh.. so soon?" I tried not to sound disappointed, but failed miserably.

"Yeah, i'm sorry for the late notice Chain. Don't worry though, i'll leave you with plenty of money, and i'll call everyday. I'll come back and visit when i can, and like i said it's only a couple of months. i'll be back before you know it." She walked towards me and hugged me tightly. I buried my face into her shoulder, knowing that i was seconds from crying. Luckily, she soon broke away from the hug, and ran up into her room to start packing. Packing five days early seemed a bit ridiculous to me, but Jessie was just one of those girls. I was betting she would have at least six bags with her, each stuffed full.

As soon as she was gone, i looked down at the apple pie again. Suddenly i wasn't so hungry. I threw the fork into the sink, and returned the pie to where i had found it in the refrigerator. I walked back out of the kitchen, and uo the stairs. My bedroom door was slammed shut when i walked inside, and locked. Then, i walked over to my bed, grabbed my pillow and curled up into a ball. I tried to steady by breathing, but it was too late. The tears started coming fast, and i buried my head into my pillow as i began sobbing.

I was going to be alone. My parents had left me, and now Jessie was leaving me. Not forever. my mind told me. The thought didn't calm me down though. Instead i continued to sob, with my pillow hushing the sounds. Wow, this day really did suck.

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